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Biblical Worldview Integration (BWI)

The foundation of RCS is something we call Biblical Worldview Integration (BWI). The goal is to help students think biblically and critically about each subject they study and to apply this to every aspect of their lives. Our desire is for students to see the world as God sees it. This will allow them to gain a better understanding of God’s character and how He designed creation for His purposes.


How can we understand BWI?

Understanding the daily teachings of a school founded on the principles of BWI helps to address the activities many people associate with a Christian school. But as you’ll see below, these activities alone (without further edification) do not qualify as comprehensive Biblical Worldview Integration:

  • Simply adding Bible verses to worksheets/assignments.
  • Praying at the beginning of the day/class period and not mentioning God again.
  • Chapel once a week and never discuss the Bible outside of Bible class.
  • Referring to God as the Creator but in no more detail in science, math, or the arts.
  • Adding Bible classes to the curriculum but not holding Bible teachers accountable for teaching and addressing all matters related to Biblical truth.
  • Praying before a sporting event but proceeding to play with no regard to Christian character or testimony.


What is the Goal of BWI?

The goal of BWI is to help students think biblically and critically about every subject and for students to think Biblically and critically about every aspect of their lives. Ideally, students should seek to see each subject the way God sees it. When students truly understand something from a Biblical perspective, they should gain a greater understanding of the character or nature of God, or have a greater understanding of how God designed things to be. In order to do that, there are a few foundational concepts that students need to understand.


Basic Principles of BWI

Here are some basics:

  • Absolute truth is knowable and comes from God.
  • God’s Word is inerrant, inspired, and authoritative for all areas of a Christian’s life.
  • Although there are no specific verses that specifically address all aspects of human existence, the Bible does provide principles, presuppositions, and values that teach how to interpret and interact with everything an individual may encounter.
  • Every individual has a worldview (whether they recognize this or not) that is composed of a system of beliefs, which determines their interpretation of all they perceive in the world.
  • Every educational system is based upon a worldview interpretation, and much of what is currently being taught in the United States public school system presupposes a secular humanism worldview.


Simply stated, BWI is taking a lesson objective and or lesson plan, and teaching it from a Christian perspective. It is not just a lesson or objective devoid of God, His character, nature, or creation, nor is it solely about God, His character, nature, or creation. It is a melding of the two. It is understanding the objective or lesson from the Christian point of view.


How do Teachers Accomplish BWI?

A teacher’s ability to integrate truth into academic content is directly proportional to his or her own understanding of the Bible and its implications for a person’s worldview. Every teacher and staff member at RCS is expected to invest time to continue to educate themselves about God and His Word in order to make these connections. While the requirement is significantly satisfied by regular attendance at a local church and meditation on God’s Word, it does not end there. We also seek out specialized resources which will deepen our understanding of Biblical truth in academic content. Each year teachers are required to gain at least one CEU (Continuing Education Unit) in Biblical studies. We do this through group or individual study of the Bible. Remember, the goal of BWI is to help students think Biblically. Again, this is all part of how we are “Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ” at Richmond Christian School.

Special thanks to:
Eric Munn
Head of School
Unity Christian School
Rome. GA


  • Open House, 1/23/25

  • MLK, Jr Day (No School), 1/20/25

Open House