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Praise Band

Another opportunity RCS student has to showcase their talents and praise the Lord is through the Praise Band.  Students in the Praise Band take a class that earns course credit in the fine arts requirement.  These students and all facets of the praise and worship time during our weekly chapel service, including:

  • Musicians
  • Vocalists
  • Audio Production
  • Video Production

Praise Band is for those with musical talent and skills who want to lead our weekly chapels' worship time.  It is also for those students whose gifting lies in production.  Developing students both musically and spiritually is our goal.  In addition to learning how to lead, students learn responsibility, self-discipline, working together, and humility.  We find they make lasting friendships as they work together for a common goal.  Focus areas are developing spiritual gifts, training in the heart of worship, stage presence, and building a "Praise Band Binder." 

Open House, 2/20