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Angela Pyle

Angela Pyle
Angela Pyle
Secondary School Teacher

My favorite Bible verse is... Micah 6:8

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?


I grew up in the flatlands of Indiana, where I met an amazing young man named Bart, who changed my life by introducing me to Christ. In 2012, we made the move to Virginia, and we are blessed to call Chesterfield County home.  We have been married for 25 years and we have two children.  Our oldest son, Nathan, is a senior at Liberty University pursuing a career in the U.S. Army through Army ROTC.  Brandon, our youngest son, is also a student at Liberty University, and he is working on a degree in computer science. 

After graduating from Butler University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, I spent 7 years working in human resources and professional training and development.  I never imagined the Lord would call me out of my career, but when my oldest son was ready for kindergarten, my husband and I decided to give home education a try.  Little did I know, I would spend the next 15 years as a homeschool parent.  While on this journey, I taught various classes and directed  middle school and high school programs for an international classical Christian home education organization called Classical Conversations.

After my children graduated and headed off to college, I wanted I wasn’t ready to leave the classroom, so I decided to pursue a master's degree in education at Regent University.  I had the distinct pleasure of completing some of my teacher licensure requirements at Richmond Christian School.  As I got to know the staff and students, I quickly realized that RCS is a special place.  The 2021 – 2022 school year will be my first full year at RCS, and I couldn’t be more excited.  I look forward to investing in the lives of our students.

Over the years, I have served as a Sunday school teacher and women’s ministry leader.  I love coffee, great books, and chocolate – in that order!  In my free time, I enjoy reading, hiking, and playing board games. I am especially passionate about learning and hope to inspire my students to become lifelong learners as well.