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Parent Letter - 10/18/24

October 18, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

It does not matter how many years we spend on this earth.  We will, until our last breath, have the ability to learn.  You hear the phrase “lifelong learner” often in the context of someone who, after obtaining their initial degree, continues their education in pursuit of “the next level.”  For many in education, it is common to continue to take classes and attend professional development opportunities to keep up to date on what is new.  For us as Christians, this concept can easily be applied to our walk with Jesus.  Whether we accept Christ as our Savior as a child or later in life, this marks the beginning of the remainder of life in pursuit of Christ and what our heavenly Father wants us to learn.  The 66 books of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, are the guidebook He gave us to live a life worthy of our calling.  We are not just consumers of wisdom but doers who live out the words penned on the pages of scripture.  Our last ESO, Lifelong Learner, is the culminating objective that all the other ESOs point to.  Proverbs 18:15 says “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”  As RCS students pursue lifelong learning, they pursue independent reading, engage in self-reflection, develop and articulate study habits, and seek opportunities to build skills and knowledge.  This is the ultimate goal as they execute the previous six ESOs over their lifetime.  When these are done through the lens of God and His Word, the RCS graduate will go on to live a life that impacts themselves, their family, and their world for Jesus Christ.  Seek God and His knowledge – that is what the ear of the wise pursues.

Report cards will be available in the app by Thursday of next week.  If you cannot access them or are having difficulty with the app, please reach out to Mr. Spriggs, our IT Director. We are here to support you and ensure a smooth experience.

With the end of the quarter upon us, we find ourselves eight instructional weeks from Christmas break.  Please remember that next Friday there is no school for students so you can meet with teachers for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your active participation in these conferences is crucial, as it allows us to hear about your student's strengths, challenges, and discuss ways you can continue to partner with the teacher to achieve the maximum benefit for your student.  Signing up for conferences in advance is important to lock in your time slot.  If you just show up that day, you might find their schedules booked and unable to meet with you.  Remember, the point of the conference is to hear about your student’s strengths, challenges, and discuss ways you can continue to partner with the teacher to achieve the maximum benefit for your student. Your involvement is key to your child's success.

Blessings to you and your family for a great weekend.  We appreciate your partnership and support!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 10/11/24

October 11, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

No parent (at least none I have met) ever looked at their toddler and said, “Gee, I hope I’m still supporting them when they are 40.”  In fact, God created us to hold our children loosely, with open hands, as we train them up.  That scripture (Proverbs 22:6) is often quoted to keep us focused on their individuality (train them up in the way THEY should go).  In fact, that process is universal.  No matter how God created them to bend, we should bring them up to be responsible, God-fearing, productive members of society who impact the world for Christ.  This week, we focus on that ESO – Responsible Citizen.  Romans 13:1 says, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”  To be responsible means to come under authority and use the gifts we have been given by our Creator for HIS purpose.  Responsible Citizens:  use gifts and talents to serve others generously; portray self-control in conduct and attitude; demonstrate stewardship of all resources; and intentionally engage others with respect.  The road we walk in this life is not easy, not straight, and certainly not without challenges.  Our future responsible citizens will have the tools to navigate it well as they keep their eyes fixed on Christ along the way.

Our Parent Volunteer Committee, a vital part of our school community, has been actively planning upcoming opportunities to bless our teachers and staff, as well as brainstorm ideas for future community events.  But they could use your help!  It is a great way to connect with other parents and serve the school community.  If you are interested in serving on the PVC, please reach out to Amber Verheul at  The time commitment is flexible, and it is a great way to say “thank you” to our awesome teachers and support staff. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Remember, the first quarter ends next Friday, 18 October. That day will be a half-day early release for students (11:40 for lower elementary and 12:00 for everyone else). Aftercare services will be available until 4:00 ONLY; please make any necessary arrangements to pick up your student. Please encourage your student to finish well this last week of the quarter!

Enjoy this beautiful fall weather!  We want to take a moment to express our deep appreciation for you and your partnership in Educating Hearts and Minds For Christ. Your support is a cornerstone of our school community, and we are truly grateful for it!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 10/4/24

October 04, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

When tragedy strikes, nothing is more heartwarming than seeing folks step up, pitch in, and help out where necessary.  That has been evident for the past two days as so many of you have dropped off critical supplies to support the Damascus Fire Department.  We are so incredibly grateful and blessed to partner with you in this event and we are thankful to TORP Chassis and Langley Speedway for taking the lead in this effort.  This is a great example of this week’s ESO – Team Player.  As Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”  As a team player, our students should display humility toward others, accept responsibility and honor their commitments, take initiative and strive for excellence, and exhibit a growth mindset to adapt and seek continual growth.  Displaying humility includes having a servant mindset, and our students saw firsthand this week what that looks like when Christ-followers band together for a cause greater than themselves.  This is truly the heart of Christ – so go out and be his hands and feet today!

Our Parent Volunteer Committee has been actively planning upcoming opportunities to bless our teachers and staff and brainstorm ideas for future community events. But they could use your help! Volunteering is a great way to connect with other parents and serve the school community. If you are interested in serving this way, please get in touch with Amber Verheul at The time commitment is as involved as you can participate, and it is a great way to say “thank you” to our awesome teachers and support staff.

Support our teachers with just a few clicks! RCS is teaming up with Box Tops for Education to provide additional funds for teacher classroom needs.  To get started, simply download the Box Tops for Education app from your app store, create your account, and search for Richmond Christian School by zip code (23832). Link your Walmart app account and start contributing to Box Tops today! If you shop at Kroger, you can also link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  It's as easy as following this link -  These are simple yet impactful ways you can help fundraise for RCS while doing your regular shopping.

Thank you, Warrior Nation, for your unwavering support in our mission to secure a bright future for our children. Your commitment and involvement are truly inspiring, and we are honored to have you by our side on this journey!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/27/24

September 27, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

“Things just don’t last like they used to!!”  You have likely heard this; perhaps you have spoken those words yourself in recent days.  In a microwave - throw-away - I want it yesterday society, it seems everything is designed to last for here and now, not to endure.  With that said, it is critical to teach our students the value of producing with quality.  Whether it is a work of art, an essay, or a project, we instill in them the skills and desire to do everything with excellence.  The scripture for this week’s ESO – Quality Producer – is found in Matthew 5:16: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  God created all things in six days and, after each day, remarked that it was good, meaning its creation reflected and displayed His good character, power, and nature.  He affirmed its original design as orderly, balanced, and intelligible.  This is the model to which we strive to point our students.  Through this ESO, students: Carry out tasks productively and efficiently; Work independently without assistance; Accept personal responsibility for their own work; and Recognize and use God-given talents to produce quality work.  God’s work as the original Quality Producer created a world that will last until Christ returns.  Do you know what else He created?  An opportunity for eternal life with him through a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.  Do you know Him?  Shine your light before others today so they may see your good works and give glory to God.

Don’t forget Picture Day is this coming Tuesday, 1 October.  Your student should bring home a picture order form to be completed and returned on that day.

Thank you to those who could join our students and staff on Wednesday for the annual See You At The Pole student-led prayer gathering.  Although the rain moved the event into the Chapel, it did not dampen the spirits of nearly 100 attendees.  It was a blessed time of praise and prayer for our school, community, nation, and the world.  The Bible speaks of prayer as a weapon:  “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world, but rather they have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

Help teachers, just by shopping!!  RCS is partnering with Box Tops for Education to help provide extra funds for teachers' classroom needs.  To get connected, go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app, create your account, and search for Richmond Christian School by zip code (23832).  Connect to your Walmart app account and start contributing to Box Tops today!  Also, if you shop at Kroger (or know ANYONE ANYWHERE who shops there), you can link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  This is another super easy way you can help fundraise for RCS by just doing what you normally do.

Thank you all, parents, students, and staff, for standing with us in the fight for our children’s future. Your support and commitment are deeply appreciated. It is an honor to go to battle with each and every one of you!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/13/24

September 13, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

As card-carrying members of the digital age, we are inundated with information – essentially, all knowledge is available at our fingertips.  Unfortunately, not everything you can find online comes from trusted sources.  Sometimes, students are baffled to see that the information they read online is misleading or completely false.  Some of us “seasoned saints” remember when guys like Walter Cronkite brought the events of the world to our television sets in the evening, sharing the facts and information we needed to stay informed.  Today, the world is different, and our students need to know not just WHOM they can trust, but also WHAT.

This brings us to ESO #2:  Discerning Thinker.  Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”    In Acts chapter 17, we read about the Jews in Berea who, after eagerly hearing the Word, would search the scriptures themselves to confirm the word they heard.  To be discerning, one must look to the one source of all truth, the Bible.  It is the only place we can know to be absolutely true in every aspect, as it is the inspired Word of God.  For students at RCS, being a discerning thinker means they find creative solutions to challenges, demonstrate God-honoring and Christ-like behavior and attitude, and evaluate, analyze, and respond from a Biblical perspective.  With the Word of God as our guide, may we all be able to discern what is good, acceptable, and perfect.

Please remember to keep our students in prayer next week for the fall Spiritual Emphasis Week.  Elementary students will spend extra time in chapel on Monday and Tuesday, and secondary students will be ministered to on Wednesday through Friday. Your prayers are not just a formality, but a powerful tool that can bring about a spiritual transformation in our students.  Please pray for hearts to be open and for the Holy Spirit to move in our students during this time.

I just have a couple of requests/reminders related to the afternoon carline.  Don’t forget that the lower campus entrance is two-way traffic in the afternoon.  Be sure to exit from the right-hand lane only, as there are cars coming on campus in the other lane.  Also, we would like to request about 15 or so families to come to campus at 3:10 for back carline pickup instead of being on campus at 3:00.  This should help reduce traffic from backing up on Belmont Road and thereby reduce the risk of accidents for our parents or student drivers.  Your assistance in this area would be greatly appreciated.

With the fall season upon us, please make arrangements to keep your students home if they are sick, especially if they have a fever. Your child's health is our top priority, and we urge you to take the necessary precautions.  Reach out to the clinic if they are staying home so we can get word to the teacher.  Be safe and blessed this weekend!!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/6/24

September 06, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

I trust your long weekend was one of rest and memory-making.  Although Labor Day is not the most “grilled out” day of the year, it makes the top 5!  At least, that is what the internet says.  I am excited to begin our next newsletter series, “Why RCS?” with our first installment of Portrait of a Graduate – The Expected Student Outcomes, Part 1.  As a Christian school, we primarily focus on being a Christ-centered learning institution where children are safe, loved, and pushed toward excellence in all we do.  Two years ago, the teaching staff took on the task of developing a series of traits that every RCS graduate should embody.  Each of these Expected Student Outcomes is biblically focused and is woven into academics, athletics, clubs, and all facets of student life.

Today, we focus on ESO #1:  Follower of Christ.  The key scripture for ESO #1 comes from 1 Peter 2:21:  “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”  As believers, the moment we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior was not the end but the beginning.  To accept Christ means to deny self – to crucify our past and all of our mistakes and place our lives in the hands of Jesus.  It means meeting him where we are, inviting him into our hearts, and permitting him to transform us completely.  As 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old is gone, the new is here!”  Since this is our first step in a life of serving God, we place it as our first ESO, in that all that follows will be done from the perspective of Christ-follower.  The indicators we seek in developing our students as followers of Christ include making a profession of faith, intentionally pursuing opportunities for spiritual growth, exemplifying a Christ-like character, and sharing the Gospel with the lost.  I pray that all Warrior Nation will seek the Lord and develop these traits as we shine a light on a lost and dying world.

We are nearing the completion of the new keyless entry security system for the campus. I deeply appreciate the patience of those involved in the before- and after-care programs. Once the system and training are in place, we will have a finalized location and protocols for drop-off and pick-up, ensuring a more secure environment for our students and staff.

Parents, please remember you are our first defense in upholding dress code expectations.  Please take time this weekend to remind your students of dress expectations.  If you give them the visual check before they come to school, we can avoid any unnecessary dress code enforcement once they arrive.  Thank you in advance for your continued partnership in this area.

Please remember to keep our Spiritual Emphasis Week (16-20 September) in your prayers. This is a significant event in our school calendar, and we are believing God for a mighty move in the hearts of our students during this time. Your prayers and support are invaluable. Blessings to you and your family.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 8/30/24

August 30, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

As a parent of a student at a Christian school, you have been asked at some point, “Why do you have your student(s) in a Christian school?”  Fair question, as a public school education doesn’t cost you extra.  What should you expect, as a parent, from your Christian school?  Should it be a positive learning environment?  Should I expect academic rigor? At RCS, we are committed to providing a rigorous academic environment that challenges and nurtures each student. Will it be perfect?  Is every student there a Christian?  I get these questions and more during every tour I give.  The ultimate question I will address over the next few weeks is, “Why RCS”?

Before we tackle what makes up the Warrior experience, let’s address what we are not.  First, we are not a school for kids who were removed from public or other schools for poor behavior or other reasons.  In fact, when new student files are brought to my desk, the first place I look is at their behavior, discipline, academics, and attendance.  If, after consulting with the division principal, we feel that the prospective student will not be a positive contributor to the school community or if the student has significant concerns in the areas mentioned above that may put our students at risk, we will not move forward with an interview.  Like all schools (public and private, as well as home schools), we do not have perfect students.  If you search for that perfect school, you won’t find one this side of heaven.  We have many great kids, each with flaws, shortcomings, and challenges, just like every one of us.  But, we have been blessed to minister to them in their time with us.  Like us adults, they have good days and bad days and will, like us adults, fall short of God’s glory.  Our job is to partner with you as parents to support, encourage, and even discipline, when necessary, based on the Word of God.  So, join me over the next few weeks as we unpack the first part of our “Why RCS?” series, breaking down our Expected Student Outcomes.  Stay tuned for more!

Carline is starting to hit a groove, and the process is becoming more streamlined.  I would continue to ask for your patience, especially in the afternoon, as more cars are coming through the back carline than last year.  The leadership team continues looking into making the process even more efficient.

Here are some upcoming events to keep in prayer for the school:

  • 12-14 September - The school leadership will meet with Jack Farmer, Superintendent of Berean Baptist Academy in Fayetteville, NC, as we map out the strategic plan for the next five years.
  • 16-20 September - Spiritual Emphasis Week – a week of drawing close to God for grades K-12
  • 25 September - See You At The Pole – plan to join us for this national prayer event.  

Thank you all for your partnership and for a great first two weeks of school!  We can’t do it without you!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 8/23/24

August 23, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Change can be challenging – “new” can be equally tricky.  A new job, town, and school can bring uncertainty and anxiety.  When “new” seems overwhelming, adjusting and settling in takes time.  During that time, we can trust the One who is the Prince of Peace, The Sovereign King of Kings, who will give us the peace, strength, and even joy to walk through each circumstance.  In Isaiah 26:3, the prophet says of the Lord, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”  If your students are struggling in the transition, help them by encouraging them to speak these scriptures over themselves.  Written in a language as a prayer, they can pray over themselves:

  • John 14:27 – “Jesus has given me his perfect peace. My heart won’t be troubled, and I won’t be afraid.”
  • John 16:33 – “Even though the world has trials, Jesus has overcome all of the trials of this world.”

God's peace is available to everyone through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you have questions about that? Let’s chat.

Warrior Welcome was a big hit again this year, with a large community turnout for this annual kickoff event.  The bounce houses and face painting provided fun for the younger students, and the Spirit Store was the hot-ticket item of the day!  Thank you to the parents and student volunteers who helped make this a great event and allowed us to start the year joyfully!

Although this is only the first week, we are seeing great strides in the carline process. Thank you all for following the safety team's directions. Please make every effort to drop off your students by 7:55 at the latest to give them plenty of time to get to their classrooms, drop off their coats and bags, and be ready to start their day at 8:00.

Speaking of starting -To those using before and after care, thank you so much for your flexibility at the start of the year.  With the installation of the new keyless entry system across the campus, we have had to make adjustments to our protocols to get the work done while maintaining safety as our priority.  Once the new camera and doorbell are installed on the new gate, we will share the new official protocol for drop off and pick up for extended care.

Speaking of new, there are lots of “new” around the campus (besides new students and families): middle school windows, a roof on the high school, carpet in several rooms, and some new teachers - nine in fact! God has blessed us with some great staff additions, and we are excited to already see how God is using them in ministry. The new keyless entry system, which is being installed campus-wide, will be completed soon. More to come on that later.

Please continue praying for our staff, school, and community.  It has been a great start to the school year, so let’s continue the momentum for what God has planned for Warrior Nation this year.  Also, be sure to read newsletters sent by our principals carefully.  They work hard to manage each division and inform you of its events.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/24/24

May 28, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,
As the school year ends, it is a great time to reflect on the past 10 months and think about all the great things God has done.  While you may have an extensive list for your personal family, I can think of a number of blessings we have experienced here at school.  Things like:

  • New gym floor, bleachers
  • New roof on elementary & high school buildings
  • Awarding of the FEMA grant for upgrading campus security for nearly $150,000
  • Numerous student salvations and baptisms
  • Protection for another year of safety on campus
  • Amazing teachers and staff, along with awesome families in partnership
  • The addition of numerous new families to Warrior Nation, with the anticipation of many more to come

While not everything has been a blessing initially, we can take joy in seeing God move in both the good and the difficult situations – He never fails!!  So, to finish out the year, I would like to share a number of verses that speak to thankfulness and gratitude for you to read and reflect on over the next two months.  I would also ask you to lift these staff needs as well as we seek the Lord to fill these vacancies for the fall: High school Spanish, PE, elementary Music/Art, and 2nd Grade.

  • Psalm 106:1: “Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
  • Hebrews 12:28-29: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.'”
  • Psalm 69:30: “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.”
  • Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
  • Psalm 86:2: “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.”
  • Psalm 28:7: “The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”
  • Psalm 95:2: “Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”

As we begin our summer break, I leave you with this prayer of blessing from Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  See you all at the Warrior Welcome on Friday, 16 August, at 5:00 pm!!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/17/24

May 17, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In life, we often place our trust in things that are uncertain.  We trust that we will wake up each morning, that the car will start, and that we will travel safely to school and then home again.  In the process, we trust that the other drivers will also pay attention and follow the same road rules.  We trust our family to love us, no matter what.  In all of these cases, we run the risk of someone else not living up to their end, which can lead to disappointment or even injury.

Thankfully, we have a place we can go and trust that will never fail.  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”  To trust is to believe completely that what is said will indeed happen.  This scripture tells us that when we completely trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and believe that he has our entire life in his hands, that he will never leave our side.  It DOESN’T say that life will be easy.  The part about “making our path straight” means that as we walk along the road of life, God will be with us to help us walk every step and ensure we can walk out whatever we face.  What are you trusting in today?

This is a reminder that graduation will occur next Friday, 24 May, at 5:00 p.m. at Open Door Baptist Church on Belmont Rd. There will be a reception in the church fellowship hall immediately following the ceremony. If you cannot attend in person, we will broadcast the event as well. Mr. Spriggs will send the link to it next week. Join me in congratulating the students and families of the Class of 2024!

If you want to host a French or Spanish teen this summer, visit this link for more information.  There are still 13 more students yet to find placements for the summer.  Host a foreign student and make unforgettable memories!

New enrollment for next year continues, but a few grades are starting to get close to full.  If you know someone interested in pursuing Christian education for their children, have them reach out to the front office at 804-276-3193 to schedule a tour and see all the great things God is doing here at RCS!

Be sure to track the newsletters from your principal, as they are full of dates, events, and reminders for the last four weeks of school. Please pray for new staff and new families to join Warrior Nation. Thank you in advance for your partnership to finish strong!

May the Lord bless you this weekend.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/3/24

May 03, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Words.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, there are 171,476 words in current use.  Some have multiple meanings; some don’t mean what they used to.  The words we speak to others can be incredibly powerful.  While the mind helps us form our thoughts, which can become the words we use, the words we speak have power because they begin in our hearts.  Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”  In other words, the words we choose to begin in our hearts, and come with consequences.  When we speak good words (words of love, affirmation, and encouragement), we reap love, joy, and blessing.  We reap hatred, anger, and discord when we speak negative words (slander, gossip, and insults).  In either case, you can gauge the condition of one’s heart by the words one chooses to speak.  

However, we must remember to respond in the opposite spirit, especially when confronted with negativity, to react in the opposite spirit.  Darkness cannot be where light is present.  Also, remember that the only opinion we really need to take to heart is what comes from God himself.  “Do not fear.  I have redeemed you.  I have called you.  You are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).  Live in love.  Walk in truth.  Speak life.

Thank you to all who contributed to making Teacher Appreciation Week a huge success!!  We were overwhelmed with your love and appreciation through the cards, gifts, and meals, and I want to thank you on behalf of the teachers for a blessed and memorable week!

If you want to host a French or Spanish teen this summer, go to this link for more information.  Thirteen more students need summer placements.  Host an international student and make unforgettable memories!

This is just a reminder that we have one final Open House event scheduled for 9 May, starting at 6:30 p.m.  We still have open slots for prospective families to come, tour the school, meet the teachers and administrators, and hear what you already know - that RCS is a great place for their students to receive a Christ-centered education!  If you know someone interested, please have them call the main office at 804-276-3193 to register.
Be sure to track the newsletters from your principal, as they are full of dates, events, and reminders for the last four weeks of school.  Please pray for new staff and new families to join Warrior Nation.  Thank you in advance for your partnership to finish strong!

May the Lord bless you this weekend.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 4/26/24

April 26, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Imagine having a malady and spending your life identified by it.  We hear about the story of Bartimaeus, a man referred to as “Blind Bartimaeus,” and his encounter with Jesus in the Gospel of Mark.  As Jesus walked past him on the road, Bartimaeus cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”  When he was rebuked, he shouted even louder.  When Jesus called him over, the question posed was simple: “What do you want me to do for you?”  The response was simple: “Rabbi, I want to see.”  The Christian response is that even though we have needs, we shouldn’t be concerned with ourselves; we need to be selfless and only think of others.  But, the Bible is clear – “…casting all your cares upon him, because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).  While lifting the needs of others is part of what God calls us to do, do not be afraid to bring your trials, your struggles, your challenges to the only one able to handle them – YOUR Lord and Savior.  Remember, we are not identified by our struggles.  And don’t be afraid to cry out to him because he already knows what you need.

This is just a reminder of the significant role you play in our school community. We have one final Open House event scheduled for 9 May, starting at 6:30 p.m. We still have open slots for prospective families to come, tour the school, meet the teachers and administrators, and hear what you already know - that RCS is a great place for their students to receive a Christ-centered education! Your recommendation is invaluable. If you know someone interested, have them call the main office at 804-276-3193 to register.

The Iowa assessments have been completed, and we eagerly await the results. These results will provide us with valuable insights into your child's academic progress and areas of improvement. When they arrive, we will provide detailed instructions on accessing and interpreting them. Your active involvement in this process is crucial for your child's academic success.  Next week, we have a special opportunity for you to show appreciation for our exceptional teachers.  To contribute to the week's events, click here or reach out to Mrs. Montague or Amber Verheul for a list of their ‘favorites.’

Stay informed about the last four weeks of school by regularly checking the newsletters from your principal. They contain important dates, events, and reminders to help you and your child navigate the end of the school year smoothly.  We also ask for your prayers for new staff to fill our vacancies and for new families to join the Warrior Nation.  Rest assured, you are in our prayers as well.

Blessings to you and your family for a weekend of joy and peace.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 4/19/24

April 19, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

The Gospels tell of the crucifixion of Christ, and near the end of the story in John (20:30), Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is finished.”  These three words in English are a translation of the Greek word tetelestai, which actually has multiple contexts from the time of Jesus.  First, the word was used in business on receipts to indicate that a literal financial debt was completely paid in full; in a judicial context, it was used in court, which indicates that a sentence has been completely served; in a military context, it was used to indicate that a battle was won, and the enemy had been completely defeated.  When Jesus cried out on the cross, “Tetelestai,” he was saying this:  Your debt of sin is fully paid, the judgment for your sin has been fully served, and the spiritual war against death, sin, and Satan has been completely won on your behalf.  The victory Christ won for us through his death, resurrection, and ascension is complete; all we have to do is accept it.  If you have never done that, today is the day of salvation, my friend.  Call me, and let’s talk about it.  (Adapted from “It Is Finished” by Josh Howerton)

This is just a reminder that we have one final Open House event scheduled for 9 May, starting at 6:30 p.m. We still have open slots for prospective families to come, tour the school, meet the teachers and administrators, and hear what you already know — that RCS is a great place for their students to receive a Christ-centered education! If you know someone interested, have them call the main office at 804-276-3193 to register.
Next week (22-26 April) is our annual IOWA Assessments.  Testing will happen in the morning on those days; then, regular instruction will occur for the rest of the day.  These tests are purposeful for many reasons.  For you, you can use them to chart your student’s progress year to year.  For teachers, it is useful to see areas of strength and struggle for students to help tailor enrichment and remediation for the coming year.  For the school, it helps us compare our progress to that of other schools and helps us in decision-making for future curriculum and course needs.  Please help your students by ensuring they get a good night’s sleep each night and a good breakfast before coming to school.  Also, it will be super helpful to be sure they are in school on time each day, as testing begins at 8:00.  Thank you in advance for your partnership and support in this area.

With only five weeks remaining until the Secondary School exams, it is crucial for students to stay focused and finish strong. Remind them of 2 John 1:8: “Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve. Be diligent so that you receive your full reward.” Your encouragement and support can make a significant difference in their preparation.

May the Lord bless and keep you in His righteous right hand!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/28/24

March 28, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In a few short days, Christians worldwide will celebrate the “Superbowl of Christianity” – Resurrection Sunday.  Why is this day so important?  There is so much to the Passion Week events, but we can’t take any one of them, even Resurrection Sunday, as a stand-alone moment.  The entire week is necessary to provide the context and set the stage for this incredible miracle.  In fact, we need to truly go back to the beginning of Genesis to understand the full worth of Easter.  Back in Genesis Chapter 3, the encounter Adam and Eve had with Satan, the great serpent, and their disobedience put God’s plan, leading up to Resurrection Sunday, into motion.  After about three and a half years of ministry, Jesus returned to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration.  We read in John 12:12-13, “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.  They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the king of Israel.’”  They were ready to get out from under Roman oppression and crown him King.  But within a couple of days, the shouts of joy became shouts of condemnation as Jesus stood before Pilate.  The once joyful crowd became an angry mob shouting, “Crucify Him!”  With Jesus’ declaration on the cross that “it is finished,” the fate of Satan and his fallen angels was sealed, punctuated by His resurrection three days later.  There will come a day when he will return again to defeat evil forever – for now, let us rejoice as we declare, “He is risen!  He is risen indeed!!”

A huge shout-out goes to the Elementary division for their efforts in celebrating Grandparents’ Day and the Spring Book Fair.  We sold nearly $8,100 and were blessed to have over 150 grandparents on campus for this amazing day.  The elementary students did a great job in their performances, with the grand finale performance of Mrs. Cassidy’s 4th-grade class of “Arise My Love,” performed through the God Rods ministry.  Mrs. Waddill would like to thank all of you who made this book fair and our special celebration such a success!  RCS will receive approximately 20% of the book fair proceeds (after taxes, of course) to be used for improving our library resources.

There is a lot going on in the final seven weeks of school after the break.  So please pay close attention to the communication from the teachers and administrators about details of upcoming events.  Included in the list are IOWA Testing (22-26 April), Junior/Senior Banquet, Elementary Field Day (26 April), two more Open House events, Middle School King’s Dominion Trip, final exams, and Graduation on 24 May.  More details to come about these events as we get closer.

May the Lord bless you in His abundance this coming Resurrection Day and give you a restful Easter Break!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/8/24

March 08, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In Acts chapter 8, we read of Philip, one of the disciples of Christ, and his encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch, a man in charge of the entire treasury of the Ethiopian queen.  When Philip came across the eunuch, the eunuch was engaged with the Word, specifically in this passage from Isaiah: “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth.  In his humiliation he was deprived of justice.  Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.”  The passage, of course, refers to Jesus and his crucifixion.  As a result of Philip’s explanation of the scripture, the Ethiopian was moved to ask Philip to baptize him on the spot.

This passage ties both Elementary and Secondary Spiritual Emphasis Days together around the concept of Authentic Faith – truly living a life that honors God and points others to Him.  The Elementary students heard from Ms. Cassidy on Monday and Tuesday, focusing on using our tongue for God – speaking truth, building others up, and praising God.  Philip spoke truth to the eunuch; his heart and life were forever changed.  In Secondary, Pastor Mike Camire of Parkway Baptist Church gave students hands-on, practical ways to live out their faith and share it with others.  Knowing God and His Word is only the first step – Doing, by living it out, is what changes the world.

Monday marks the official beginning of the fourth quarter – the home stretch!!  Students will very quickly lose focus as the weather warms and thoughts of summer plans invade their minds.  It is this time we really need your help at home – keeping them focused on doing homework, studying, and working on projects with excellence so they can finish strong.

Upcoming events to note:

  • Open House – 21 March at 6:30. Still plenty of space for your friends and co-workers to call and register.  They will hear from administrators, parents, and students, get a campus tour, and meet our awesome teachers. Encourage them to call 804-276-3193 to register.
  • Easter Break – 1-5 April
  • IOWA Assessments – 22-26 April

Please check the website for a list of anticipated vacancies for next year.  If you know a qualified teacher looking to make a kingdom difference in education, have them go to the website, complete the application, and email it to me.  Hey, maybe it's YOU!

Thank you for your continued partnership in Educating Hearts and Minds For Christ.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/1/24

March 01, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Welcome to March, when spring begins, March Madness for college hoops begins, and the weather could change in a moment.  As they say, if you don’t like the weather in Virginia, just give it a few minutes!  We are also excited about the next Open House event on 21 March at 6:30. Please share this information with anyone you feel would be a great addition to the RCS family.

As we continue to navigate the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, it is important that we remember the path we walk is uniquely designed and laid out by God.  Some parts are smooth, open, and flat; others are steep, winding, and challenging.  In EVERY part, however, we can lean on God’s word found in Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  It doesn’t mean the journey will be easy. It means that God has it, start to finish, and is walking with each of us on our unique road.  It means that when we stay connected to God and read His Word, he provides wisdom and direction in order to walk with Him on a well-lit road.

Although it is still one month away, I want to give you a heads-up for the next re-enrollment deadline.  The re-enrollment fee will increase to $350 per student on 1 April.  Applications are coming in and we are continuing to enroll new students.  If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to us and let us know.

Share your heart and home this summer! Host a student from Spain or France (ages 13-17) in your home for 3–4 weeks. Learn about their culture while he or she learns about living in an American family by just being a part of what you regularly do. There are various programs to suit your family’s work or non-working schedule. Families receive stipends to help out with expenses. Transportation or vacation concerns can be worked out. This will be a treasured memory for your family! Contact Debbie Hardy at 804-909-3190 or  For more information, click HERE.

Blessings on you and your family for a great, restful weekend.

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 2/16/24

February 16, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

You don’t have to look far to see how chaotic our world has become.  With so many things (including Satan) vying for our attention, all of them, if not contained, can keep us from accomplishing God’s work.  Psalm 46:10 tells us, “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’”.  By “be still”, the psalmist isn’t saying sit and do nothing.  Rather, it is maintaining peace and consistency through the surrounding chaos.  This is only possible in the Lord’s strength.  When we fully trust in Him in all circumstances, He will provide all we need to thrive, not just survive.  So, when things seem crazy, remember to be still in God and watch Him accomplish great things.

Tuesday’s Open House was a success, with eight families joining us for a great evening of parent testimonies, student-led tours, and meet-and-greet time with our amazing teachers.  One family shared why they came to the Open House.  This past football season, when we played their current school here at RCS, the player and his parents remarked on how impressed they were at the attitude and conduct of our players and coaches, and even had great conversations with members of our chain gang.  At the end of the game, our senior players led the teams in prayer, and this family was convinced that RCS was the school for their family.  What a great testimony of representing Christ in all circumstances!

If you have not completed your re-enrollment form, please do so soon as we are now in Open Enrollment, and seats are filled on a first-come, first serve.  The re-enrollment fee will increase to $250 on 1 March.  We are better together, and RCS is better with YOU!  New applications are being processed, and rolling enrollment means grades may fill quickly.

Share your heart and home this summer! Host a student from Spain or France (ages 13-17) in your home for 3-4 weeks. Learn about their culture while he or she learns about living in an American family by just being a part of what you regularly do. There are a variety of programs to suit your family’s work or non-working schedule. Families receive stipends to help out with expenses. Transportation or vacation concerns can be worked out. This will be a treasured memory for your family! Contact Debbie Hardy at 804-909-3190 or  For more information, click HERE.

May the Lord bless you in his abundance this three-day weekend.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 2/9/24

February 09, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

At our First Monday gathering earlier this week, I shared excerpts with our students from the Sunday sermon we heard at church the day before.  The Barna Research Group noted in a recent survey that approximately one in three practicing Christian young adults report feelings of loneliness ranging from intense to unbearable.  In a world of social media and technology saturation, we are more disconnected than ever before.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 addresses this very real phenomenon: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”  Then, in verse 12, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  What is he saying?  Quite simply, we are better together.  When we press in to God together, we can encourage each other, hold each other up in trials, and meet each other’s needs.  If you are struggling in this area, call a friend, pastor, or family member.  Or, be the hands and feet of Christ and take the first step to help someone else, and watch God meet that need in your life.

Remember that this coming Tuesday, 13 February, is our next Open House event.  If you know someone you feel would be a great addition to Warrior Nation, have them call the main office at 804-276-3193 to register and join us at 6:30 p.m. to meet our team, hear from parents and students, get a tour of the campus, and meet our amazing teachers.

If you have not completed your re-enrollment form, please do so soon as we are now in Open Enrollment, so seats are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The re-enrollment fee will increase to $250 on 1 March.  We are better together, and RCS is better with YOU!  New applications are being processed, and rolling enrollment means grades may fill quickly.

Share your heart and home this summer! Host a student from Spain or France (ages 13-17) in your home for 3–4 weeks. Learn about their culture while he or she learns about living in an American family by just being a part of what you regularly do. There are a variety of programs to suit your family’s work or non-working schedule. Families receive stipends to help out with expenses. Transportation or vacation concerns can be worked out. This will be a treasured memory for your family! Contact Debbie Hardy at 804-909-3190 or  For more information, click HERE.

Blessings to you and your family, and thank you for trusting us with your students.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/26/24

January 26, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” In the same as what, though? Jesus was delivering the sermon on the mount, and as he drew parallels between a lamp lighting a room and believers lighting their world, he spoke this profound directive to those who would turn their world upside down for generations to come. At the Open House last night, a number of families commented on conversations they had with current RCS families or that they simply knew one or more families in Warrior Nation. And they came to the Open House because of what they heard about us. Prospective families pursue education in a place with which they feel connected, safe, and welcomed. As you continue to shine your light for Christ and share the great things God is doing here at RCS, you are glorifying God through the light you shine, and others will be drawn to it. Thank you for being a light and blessing to others!

With our first Open House of 2024 successfully on the books, we are already looking ahead to February 13th for our next event. Please share this with family and friends and have them reach out to the main office to register for this next event or to get a personal tour. We had 9 families in attendance last evening, and they had a great time getting tours, meeting teachers, and getting to know us.

Please remember that re-enrollment will continue through the spring and summer, but open enrollment opens for prospective families in two weeks. Re-enrollment by 5 February will guarantee your child’s seat for next year. After February 5, seats will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. Once a grade fills, all subsequent students will be placed on a waiting list.

We appreciate all you do to partner with us in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/12/24

January 12, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians is called the “love” chapter, and the apostle Paul uses 14 verbs to describe love. It is interesting that seven of them talk about what love is or does, and seven describe what love does not do. The love of which Paul speaks is the Greek word agape, which we often describe as unconditional love. It is interesting that John describes God as “love” in 1 John 4:16: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” Paul, building on the idea that God is love, essentially lists the attributes of our Heavenly Father as a model for what God expects from us. While we can never BE love nor truly live out that agape love, we can, through our relationship with Christ, SHOW love, and essentially show God to a dark, lost, and dying world. Go out today and show Christ to the world by showing them love. As the song says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”

Coming on Thursday, 25 January, is our first Open House event for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors that you feel will be a great addition to Warrior Nation, please have them call the front office at 804-276-3193 to register. They will hear from the leadership team and current parents, tour the campus, and meet our amazing teachers. Our best advertisement is YOU – thank you in advance for helping RCS in this area.

Please be sure your current phone number is updated in FACTS, in the event of a future closing or delay. You can find the day’s status for closings and delays in a number of places. We post them on NBC 12 and CBS 6, as well as our website. Should we have to close or delay, we will also communicate via text message and email through FACTS.

Soon, you will be receiving information regarding re-enrollment for the 2024-2045 school year. We give you, our current RCS families, the first opportunity to secure your student’s seat for next year and look forward to continuing our partnership with you. Please remember that once new enrollment is open for prospective families, seats will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If we get to a point where a grade level is filled, all subsequent students will be placed on a waiting list. So please don’t delay and risk losing your child’s spot. We want to continue serving your family!

Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership. We love and appreciate you all!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School


Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/5/24

January 05, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” The prophet Isaiah wrote the book that bears his name 700 years before the birth of Christ. After reminding Israel of their deliverance from Egypt in the verses just before this one, the message to God’s people is clear – Yes, God did these great things, and you have other issues from your past. But, what really matters to God is the here and now. While the future is unknown, who walks with us into it remains steadfast if you know Jesus as our Savior. What you do going forward is your preparation for eternity. The past does not matter, and God is preparing to do a new thing. Spend time seeking Him in prayer – what new thing does God want to do in you in 2024?

Even though the days are technically getting longer now (by about 2–3 minutes of daylight per day), we are entering that time of year when inclement weather can impact our plans. You can find the day’s status for closings and delays in a number of places. We will post them on NBC 12 and CBS 6, as well as our website. Should we have to close or delay, we will also communicate that via text message in FACTS.

Soon, you will be receiving information regarding re-enrollment for the 2024-2045 school year. We give our current families the first opportunity to secure your student’s seat for next year, and we truly hope to have all of our current families continue in partnership with us. Please remember that once new enrollment is open for prospective families, seats will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If we get to the point where a grade level is filled, all subsequent students will be placed on a waiting list. So, don’t delay and risk losing your spot! We don’t want to lose you!!

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). May the Lord bless you with his strength, peace, joy, and vision in 2024. We love you and are grateful for your partnership in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 12/8/23

December 08, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In his first letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  While we often celebrate during the month of December, many around us find this month filled with challenges, struggles, or even grief.  Paul reminds us that no matter what our circumstances, our joy comes through God, not our situations or our stuff.  Joy is not happiness but rather a mindset that is rooted in eternity.  We, as believers, hold on to the promise of spending eternity with our heavenly Father, where all pain, sorrow, sickness, and hurt will disappear.  It doesn’t make the current situation better or worse.  It gives us the strength, through the Holy Spirit, to press on with our eyes fixed on Christ as we rejoice always.  To pray without ceasing implies a lifestyle of prayer.  Our voice, location, posture, or time of day are irrelevant.  It is a continual conversation with God, filled with thanksgiving, petition, and acknowledging God for who He is.  Finally, give thanks, not FOR everything, but IN everything.  Every situation we encounter is already known by God, and he has a purpose for it in our lives.  May the Lord bless you and strengthen you through triumphs and challenges.  In our own strength, we can’t do it, but in God, all things are possible!

Congratulations to the elementary students and Mrs. DeVoe for an amazing show last night at the Winter Concert.  The songs, instruments, and sign language accompaniment were a true blessing to all in attendance.  We are especially grateful to the teachers who sacrificed some learning time during the past couple of weeks in preparation for this event.  We are also grateful to parents for your partnership and attendance in support of our students and the performing arts program.  The students worked hard preparing, and we are all very proud of their performance!

Don’t forget that next week is the last week of the semester.  Monday is a normal school day.  Tuesday through Friday will be early release days (Elementary at 11:40, Secondary at 11:55), and aftercare will go until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday through Thursday ONLY.  There is no aftercare on Friday, 15 December, so please plan accordingly. Please keep our students in your prayers for focus and a strong finish over the next week, as well as strength for teachers as they work to help their students finish well.  They have worked hard this semester to teach and love your students, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve with them.  I am very grateful to all of you and your partnership in Christian education.  We have such a great opportunity to be a light in these challenging times.

May the Lord bless you and keep you during this holiday season.  Please let us know if we can partner with you in prayer for anything.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 12/1/23

December 01, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Welcome to December!!  With forests of evergreens strapped to the tops of cars and tons of extra lighting on houses and yards (some amazing, others a little tacky), it can only mean that Christmas is right around the corner.  Although some stores have been displaying Christmas stuff since before Halloween, we are now moving into high gear toward the actual holiday.  But what is Christmas, really?  Depending on who you ask, it may be time for lots of gift exchanges, a chance for pictures with Santa in the mall, but most notably, an opportunity to reflect on the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We can read about the birth of Jesus in the book of Luke.  We see evidence of his birth foretold hundreds of years before through the prophet Isaiah: “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).  No other birth and life throughout all history has impacted the world more than Jesus.  Be sure to take time in the days ahead to pause from the craziness and reflect on what that birth means to YOU – keeping your mind focused on Christ helps keep everything else in proper perspective.

Remember that the week of 11-15 December is the last week of the semester.  Tuesday through Friday will be early release days (Elementary at 11:40, Secondary at 11:55), and aftercare will only go until 4:00 p.m.  Please make pickup plans accordingly.  Please keep our students in your prayers for focus, a strong finish over the next two weeks, and strength for teachers as they work to help their students finish well.  They have worked hard this semester to teach and love on your students, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve with them.  I am very grateful to all of you and your partnership in Christian education.  We have such an excellent opportunity to be a light in these challenging times!

If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, a CREDIT!) for an end-of-year donation and helping RCS simultaneously, please consider the Children’s Tuition Fund.  Here’s the short version of the steps:  you contribute to the Children’s Tuition Fund, then you receive a 65% state tax credit, and RCS receives a disbursement from the Children’s Tuition Fund for financial assistance.  Individuals and businesses can contribute to the program and receive a tax credit.  Reach out to our Business Office with questions.  Here is a direct link to the program -

May the Lord bless you and keep you during this holiday season.  Please let us know if we can partner with you in prayer for anything.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 11/17/23

November 17, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

With a mere 39 shopping days until Christmas (not to mention Thanksgiving right around the corner), it is easy for us to feel various stress levels.  While some things in our lives that we enjoy bring stress that drives and motivates us (called eustress), there are other triggers we experience that bring us anxiety and stimulate negative responses (called distress).  In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul tells us, “But we glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.”  While nobody is likely to say to God, “Thanks, God, for all this difficulty in my life!!”, we can know that when we trust God to walk us through the challenge, we develop perseverance with patience to press on and allow God to work the refining that builds our character.  The challenges chip off our rough edges, polishing us into a more perfect likeness of our Creator.  It turns our focus away from us (inward) and towards God (outward) and points us toward opportunities to walk with others in their trials.  How do you overcome stress?  Look to God, seek opportunities to help others, and watch God bring you victoriously through to the other side.

Don’t forget that school will be CLOSED for students the week of 20-24 November for Thanksgiving.  Staff will use Monday and Tuesday for professional development.  Please remind your students that upon returning from Thanksgiving, there are only two weeks of school before semester exams.  Your principal will communicate division-specific information for the week before Christmas Break.

Here are some ways to serve the school in the coming days:
The art department needs legos (particularly baseboards and dots), newspapers, and yarn for upcoming student projects.  If you wish to donate any of these, please contact Ms. Christman ( and arrange to drop them off for her.

Here’s another way to help RCS, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.  If you shop at Kroger (or know ANYONE ANYWHERE who shops there), please take a minute to link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is the link to do just that -  Currently, there are about 60-65 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program, and RCS receives around $475 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people linked to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  With all of the Thanksgiving purchases to be made in the coming days, it is a great time to link your card and help the school!

Thank you all for the privilege of partnering with you in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ! 


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 11/10/23

November 10, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

If there was anyone in the Bible who had reason to be bitter or angry, it was the apostle Paul.  Steve Shirley, on his blog, lists Paul’s trials in his second letter to the church in Corinth.  Paul:  Was put in prison over and over; was flogged an uncounted number of times; faced death over and over; received 39 lashes from the Jews 5 times; was beaten with rods 3 times; was stoned one time; was shipwrecked three times; spent a day and night in the sea; was in continual danger from rivers and robbers; was in danger from his own countrymen, as well as the Gentiles; was in danger in the city, in the country, at sea, and from false brothers; was weary and in pain often, without sleep; was often hungry and thirsty, cold and naked.  Yet, his focus was continually on the church's well-being and his spiritual brothers and sisters.  He understood what Jesus meant when he said, “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Mat. 5:12).  In this month of thanksgiving, let us always be mindful of who's we are, and that He holds us firmly in the palm of His hand.  No trial we face is too great for our God!!

This Saturday (11 November) will be our annual Fall Fellowship event.  There are still a bunch of open slots for the cornhole, apple pie contest, and chili cookoff, so go to this link and sign up today!  We would love for all of you to join us for this fun, family event.  We will have a Yard Sale in the front parking lot as well as crafts for sale, bounce houses for kids, and games for kids of all ages, and food will be available to buy through the concession stand.  Please make plans to join us and bring your friends, family, and neighbors, as this event is open to the community.

Don’t forget that school will be CLOSED for students the week of 20-24 November for Thanksgiving.  Staff will use Monday and Tuesday for professional development.  Please remind your students that upon returning from Thanksgiving, there are only two weeks of school before semester exams.  Your principal will communicate division-specific information for the week before Christmas Break.

If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, a CREDIT!) for an end-of-year donation and helping RCS simultaneously, please consider the Children’s Tuition Fund.  When you contribute to the Children’s Tuition Fund, you receive a 65% state tax credit, and RCS receives a disbursement from the Children’s Tuition Fund for financial assistance for some of our students.  Reach out to Mr. Zbyszinski with questions.  Here is a direct link to the program.

Thank you all for the privilege of partnering with you in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ! 


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 11/3/23

November 03, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

And, just like that, November is here!!  As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, be sure to thank the Lord for all the blessings He provides.  One thing for which I am grateful is the blessing of having access to God’s Word and the Fruits of the Spirit.  This week, we will focus on the final fruit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 – Self-control.  Godly self-control helps keep our focus on Him and our actions aligned with the character of Christ.  Our human nature battles against this continually and requires constant fellowship with our Savior to maintain self-control.  Self-control is not just managing our reactions but proactively focusing on actions that serve and bless others and honor God.  

Next Thursday, 9 November, will be our first Open House event of the school year.  We will begin at 6:30 p.m. with introductions and a brief presentation in the library, followed by building tours and opportunities to meet with teachers.  If you know any folks looking for a safe, Christian learning environment, have them call Mrs. Montague at 804-276-3193 to register for the event.

Then, Saturday (11 November) will be our annual Fall Fellowship event.  There are still a bunch of open slots for cornhole, apple pie contest, and chili cookoff, so go to this link and sign up today!  We would love for all of you to join us for this fun, family event.  The Fun Run starts at 8 am.  We will have a Yard Sale in the front parking lot as well as crafts for sale, bounce houses for kids, and games for kids of all ages.  Please make plans to join us, and bring your friends, family, and neighbors as this event is open to the community.

If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, a CREDIT!) for an end of year donation and help RCS at the same time, please consider Children’s Tuition Fund.  When you make a contribution to Children’s Tuition Fund, then you receive a 65% state tax credit, and RCS receives a disbursement from Children’s Tuition Fund for financial assistance for some of our students.  Reach out to Mr. Zbyszinski with questions.  Here is a direct link to the program.

Here’s another way to help RCS, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.  If you shop at Kroger (or know ANYONE ANYWHERE who shops there), just link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Go HERE to sign up.  Currently, there are about 60-65 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program, and RCS receives around $475 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people linked to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!

Thank you all for the privilege of partnering with you in educating Hearts and Minds for Christ! 


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 10/27/23

October 27, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Cooler temperatures, color changes in the leaves, and shorter days tell us Fall has arrived.  There is still a lot going on around campus, as always, but we begin this week’s letter with our next Fruit of the Spirit – gentleness.  In today’s world, with so much anger and confusion around every corner, gentleness (like meekness) can be viewed as a weakness.  Yet, the Bible is very clear in Proverbs 15:1, that “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  When confronted with an angry or bitter person or a tense circumstance, a gentle response can diffuse that potentially explosive situation.  This is another example of “responding in the opposite spirit.”  We must be careful not to choose a condescending tone in our response but instead, demonstrate love and care for the other person.  Like many of the other attributes we discussed in previous letters, gentleness requires a dose of self-control – that’s next week’s Fruit.  Remember also that harshness and anger are secondary emotions, which means there is something underlying the situation that often has nothing to do with that moment.  So, when confronted with a difficult situation, take a beat, smile, and respond in gentleness.  You will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

We are driving forward into the second quarter with several upcoming events to place on your calendars.  High school students and families, please plan to be on campus on the evening of 2 November as we host College and Career Night, sponsored by Optimum Ed.  Mr. Beasley has sent information regarding the details of the evening.

Two other events are scheduled for the following week, for which you can please be in prayer.  On Thursday, 9 November, we will have our fall Open House event here at school.  If you know of families interested in an affordable Christian education option, please have them contact the main office for more information.  We still have seats available in all grades – whether they are interested in an immediate change or planning for next year, we would love to meet them!  Then, that Saturday (11 November) will be our annual Fall Fellowship event.  We will be sharing informational flyers with you soon as a reminder.  We would love for you to join us for this fun, family event.  For the long-term planners in the crowd, we have set the first Saturday of November as Fall Fellowship Day starting next year and going forward.

Thank you all for the privilege to partner with you in Education Hearts and Minds for Christ! 


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 10/13/23

October 13, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In Isaiah, chapter 25, the prophet says, “I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.”  To be faithful is to be steadfast, unwavering, and reliable.  Nothing alters the course; nothing changes the mission.  Applied to God, we see that from the beginning.  He had a plan that he carried out, unwavering, in order to provide a way for mankind to come back to the Father.  There was never a time in history when it was recorded that God had second thoughts about his redemption plan through his Son, Jesus Christ.  But we aren’t God, so how does this trait apply to us?  I am so glad you asked!  The world is working so hard to keep our focus off of God.  Satan doesn’t have to pull us into outright sin and rebellion – rather, he just needs to keep us distracted enough that our focus is on everything BUT God.  That is where faithfulness comes along.  As believers, we must resolve to stay the course, remain steadfast in our faith, and be reliable to what God calls us.  We don’t do it for ourselves however, we do it for those around us in need of hope, light, and a Savior.  Our faithfulness helps others see what faith in God looks like, and it could make an eternal difference in their lives as they put their trust in Him.

Remember that next Friday, 20 October, is a day off for students for Parent/Teacher conferences.  Conference appointments will run from 10:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.  Call the school number and select Option 5 to make an appointment.

If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, a CREDIT!) for an end-of-year donation and helping RCS at the same time, please consider the Children’s Tuition Fund.  Here’s the short version of the steps:  you make a contribution to the Children’s Tuition Fund, then you receive a 65% state tax credit, and RCS receives a disbursement from the Children’s Tuition Fund for financial assistance.  Individuals and/or businesses can both contribute to the program and receive the tax credit.  Reach out to Mr. Zbyszinski with questions.  Here is a direct link to the program -

Here’s another way to help RCS, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.  If you shop at Kroger (or know ANYONE ANYWHERE who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Currently, there are about 60-65 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program and RCS receives around $475 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people linked to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!
May the Lord bless you with joy, rest, and safety this weekend!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 10/6/23

October 06, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

The sun made a glorious return appearance this week, and those of us who are part plant rejoiced in a week of bright, sunny days.  As we wrap up week 7, we focus on goodness, our next fruit of the Spirit.  As believers, our good actions result from a spirit of goodness, the rightly ordered motivation behind our desire to act well.  Another word closely associated with goodness is integrity.  Integrity and moral goodness in ourselves ultimately lead to an outpouring of kindness, a generous expression of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  The closer we draw to our Savior, the more we see these attributes demonstrated toward others.  The world works hard to counter and refute the written Word of God.  A life built upon our actions (the active, living Word of God), driven by the Holy Spirit, shines a light on the world that so desperately needs it.

The end of the first quarter will be Friday, 13 October.  That day will be a half-day early dismissal for all students, with elementary dismissing at 11:40 and secondary dismissing at 11:55.  Aftercare services end at 4:00 p.m. that day, so please plan student pickup accordingly.  The following Friday (20 October), there will be NO SCHOOL due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Starting Monday, 9 October, please reach out to Mrs. Bond if you wish to set up a conference for your student.

If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, a CREDIT!) for an end-of-year donation and helping RCS at the same time, please consider the Children’s Tuition Fund.  Here’s the short version of the steps:  you make a contribution to the Children’s Tuition Fund, then you receive a 65% state tax credit, and RCS receives a disbursement from the Children’s Tuition Fund for financial assistance.  Individuals and/or businesses can both contribute to the program and receive the tax credit.  Our Business Manager has personally contributed to this program and can answer any questions you have.  Here is a direct link to the program -

Here’s another way to help RCS, and it only takes a few minutes of your time.  If you shop at Kroger (or know ANYONE ANYWHERE who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Currently, there are about 60-65 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program and RCS receives around $475 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people linked to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!
Have an awesome, restful weekend!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/29/23

September 29, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

As this gloomy week comes to an end, we can be encouraged that the sun will return by next week, and I pray that you have been able to keep healthy during this season of sickness.  These gloomy conditions and bouts of sickness can leave us run down, sad, and even test our patience (last week’s fruit of the Spirit).  This brings us to this week’s scripture focus – kindness.  Why is kindness so important?  Isn’t it enough to just be a good person?  Of course, the answer is no, and here is why.  To be good puts the focus on me – I do the right things so I get some benefit from it.  If I make good choices, and do good things for my health (exercise, eat right), I reap the rewards.  Being a good person keeps me out of trouble; being a kind person, however, puts the focus on someone else.  Kindness is words or deeds directed at another person in order to benefit them.  Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  God set the standard of kindness through the sacrifice of His Son for our sins, as we reap the ultimate benefit of eternal life through our acceptance of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and the personal relationship we have with Him through salvation.  One awesome thing about kindness is that it can be done at NO COST.  Sharing a smile, a kind word, or giving some time to help someone are practical ways we can demonstrate kindness.  I believe this is the application of the phrase “Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.”

Make plans to attend the volleyball match this coming Tuesday, 3 October, and wear pink to join our volleyball teams in Dig Pink Tuesday as they help raise awareness for breast cancer.  There will be a bake sale on site, so bring your extra cash and cheer on the volleyball teams as they host the homeschool team of CVHAA.  Middle school begins at 4:00 p.m.

The end of the first quarter will be Friday, 13 October.  That day will be a half-day early dismissal for all students, with elementary dismissing at 11:40 and secondary dismissing at 11:55.  Aftercare services end at 4:00 p.m. that day, so please plan student pickup accordingly.  Then, the following Friday (20 October), there will be NO SCHOOL for Parent/Teacher Conferences.  More information and scheduling instructions will be coming soon.

Continue to keep our students’ health and focus in your prayers that they will finish the 1st Quarter strong and committed.  If you have prayer requests, please do not hesitate to share them with us so we can partner with you in lifting your needs before our Heavenly Father.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/22/23

September 22, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

This week’s fruit of the Spirit is undoubtedly one of the more necessary in principle, yet challenging in practice – patience.  Biblical patience, as described by Daniel McCoy of, is “the ability to endure difficult people and situations without giving into anger or giving up hope.”  It is as much of what to do as what not to do – we should not respond in anger or frustration (lack of hope); we SHOULD respond to these in the opposite spirit.  It is also not waiting in a conversation for the other person to stop talking so we can respond.  “Ouch”, you say, “you just got my toes a bit there.”  Believe me, I am speaking first to myself.  As a doer and fixer, my first natural response is to solve (or resolve) an issue.  There are times, however, that the best response is to not respond.  I am not saying inaction; rather, appropriate action.  When we face a difficult person, we must actively listen to hear what they are saying – it might be just a rant, or it might be a legitimate complaint that needs our attention.  That is the “enduring” part.  At its very root, every complaint or difficulty has a root cause.  Being willing to dig into the situation together allows the other person to be heard, but gives an opportunity to represent Christ in how we help them walk it out.  As Ephesians 4:2 says, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,” let us lean on our Savior, together, that in His strength we can overcome any challenge the world or our enemy tries to throw at us.

As we wrap up week 5 (the midpoint of the first quarter), we are excited to see God’s work this week through our Spiritual Emphasis Days.  Jeremy Haskett shared the story of Esther from the Old Testament and about how God placed her (and us) where He needs us.  Secondary students were treated to awesome teaching through the book of Philippians by Jordan West, the young adult pastor at The Heights Church.  They were also treated to an amazing time of worship Friday afternoon with Jordan’s group Red Letter Society.  Be sure to check in with your student to discuss their experience this week.  If they tell you they didn’t do anything…please ask them again because the Holy Spirit was stirring here.

This coming Wednesday, 27 September, is the Annual See You At The Pole prayer and praise event!  We will begin with student-led worship and prayer at the front flagpole at 7:00 a.m.  Following at 7:30 a.m. is the SYATP breakfast in the cafeteria.  Please plan to join us for this important time of prayer and praise as we pray for our school, our nation, and our world.

Other notable events coming soon include the Fall Fellowship on Saturday, 14 October, and Homecoming on Saturday, 21 October.  Mark your calendars and join us for a great time!

As always, thank you for your partnership in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/15/23

September 15, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Colossians 3:15 speaks to this week’s fruit of the Spirit – peace. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.” This peace begins with peace with God through Christ's blood on the cross, which only comes through a personal relationship with him. If we have peace with God, we can truly experience peace with others. The context of this verse indicates peace, or unity and harmony, with the other members of the body of Christ. While we don’t always agree on everything, we are instructed in the Word to seek peace with each other at all times. This verse instructs us to allow this peace to “rule” in our hearts, which means it controls how we live. If we seek God first to direct our lives and then live it out in our relationships with our brothers and sisters, we will find true contentment regardless of our circumstances.

On Tuesday, 12 September, we conducted our first lockdown drill. Throughout the year, we will have scheduled drills for fire, severe weather, and lockdowns as part of our school safety plan. Teachers and students have been instructed on what protocol to follow in the event of a campus emergency; these drills will test their readiness. So far, all of our drills have been completed with excellence, as students and staff have done an outstanding job executing these drills.

We are excited to share the details of the upcoming Fall Fellowship, happening on Saturday, 14 October (not 28 October as previously mentioned). The festivities will begin at 8:00 a.m. with a Yard Sale in the front parking lot. They will include a campus Fun Run (prizes awarded by division), Craft Sale, cornhole tournament, apple pie, and chili contests, bounce houses and carnival-type games for kids, and live music. The Parent Volunteer Committee will coordinate signups for the pie, chili, and cornhole competitions, so stay tuned for that information.

Another event tradition at RCS takes place the following week – Homecoming!! This year, homecoming will be Saturday, 21 October. The presentation of the homecoming court will take place on the football field at 3:00 p.m., followed by the football game, as RCS hosts Kenston Forest. Kickoff time for the game will be 4:00 p.m.
May the Lord bless you in His abundant grace, and enjoy the cooler weather!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 9/1/23

September 01, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Week 2 is in the books, which means, for the mathematically inclined, that 5% of the year is complete!
Students seem to be settling back into the school routine, parents are still excited to have a little more
“me” time during the day, and teachers are commenting on how much they enjoy their classes. All
glory to God for a great start to the school year!

This week, I want to focus on joy, the second of our Fruits of the Spirit series. Where the world likes
to equate joy with “happiness”, which is contentment based on our circumstances, we know God has a
different perspective. We can be happy about our lives, jobs, or families; happiness depends
on those areas being positive and prosperous. When a new boss makes the workplace miserable, or
circumstances in our lives get challenging, we can quickly lose our happiness. Joy, however, comes from
God – it is contentment in our lives regardless of our circumstances because it is based on our
relationship with our Creator. I have seen people who have lost their jobs, but maintain joy in their lives
because their worth and provision come from their close fellowship with Christ. In his letter to the
church of Thessalonica, Paul commends them on their walk with Christ with joy despite the persecution
they endured for their faith. “And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in
much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit” (1 Thes. 1:6). While God does not promise us a life free
from adversity when we follow him, his Word promises that we can have joy, contentment in all
circumstances, when we live for and trust in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am excited to see closure on two other major campus projects – the Elementary roof and the gym
renovation. Many thanks go out to the team from Cima Contractors for their work on the roof, and to
many of you, who have contributed time and financial resources to the new floor, paint, bleachers, and
wall pads in the gym. If you feel led to still contribute to that project or to any other projects or programs,
please reach out to the business office.

Please remember, if your student has a fever, they must remain at home until they are fever-free (without
medication) for 24 hours. If they will be out for any reason, please contact the main office or email Thank you in advance for partnering with us to keep our campus
healthy and safe.

Just a quick note on a change for the Fall Fellowship to Saturday, 14 October. More info to come!
Thank you for the privilege of ministering to you and your students; we love and appreciate you all.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 8/25/23

August 25, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

Congratulations on surviving the first week of school!  Be sure to celebrate with your students.  For you long term planners in the crowd, Thanksgiving break is 13 weeks away, and you have 122 shopping days until Christmas!

I want to begin 2023-24 with short devotionals focused on the “fruits of the Spirit”; Godly character traits found in Galatians 5:22-23.  In this chapter, the apostle Paul contrasts the areas of focus in our fleshly, human character to the eternal, Godly, Spirit-filled character traits we pursue as believers.  Paul writes, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such things there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23).  Love, listed first, is probably the most important.  The world uses the word “love” in so many contexts – what does God mean in this case?  We can break it down into 3 main types:  Philia, love between friends or family members (incidentally also the root of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love).  Eros is romantic love, between a husband and wife.  The third and most important is Agape, or selfless love.  This is the love that God has for us, which Christ demonstrated through his death on the cross.  While we can never be God, we can strive to live out our best version of this love for God and others.  We rejoice, however, in that the completion of God’s Agape love was accomplished by the resurrection and ascension of Christ three days after his death.  While it is not always easy, we should always strive to demonstrate this type of love to each other, through our words and deeds, as we practice here on Earth for our eternity in heaven with our Creator.  This opens the door to demonstrate the rest of the fruits of the Spirit more effectively.

Thank you for your excellent work navigating both morning and afternoon carline.  While there were a couple of hiccups, we still (even on the first Wednesday of the year) managed to load all cars in under 15 minutes!  Please remember that Morning Carline has two lanes that begin at the sign and go up to the drop-off point where I am directing traffic.  Keeping both lanes full of cars, when possible, will speed up the process even more.

We are finally coming to the end of our summer projects, with the elementary roof now just needing gutters and the gym 98% complete!!  We look forward to showcasing the new gym this coming Tuesday as our volleyball teams will be hosting James River Homeschool.  Be sure to come out and support our hard-working sports teams.  To check sports schedules, please see the website and check the Sports Calendar under Athletics.  Continue to check the website for picture updates.

Be blessed this weekend! We are truly grateful for the opportunity to minister to your students.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/26/23

May 26, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

As I was looking into the mirror this morning, I began to reflect…..on all that God has done throughout the campus this school year.  For my final regular installment of the Friday Letter, I want to recap some of the highlights of campus improvements accomplished this year.  To improve campus security, we have installed a new fire alarm control panel, upgraded to a new phone/intercom system throughout the campus, panic bar system installed on the Chapel doors, and established a partnership with Chesterfield County Police to link our video security system directly to their call center.  In addition, members of the RCS staff have received security certification training through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice.  Our campus is more up-to-date with the installment of new HVAC units in the resource wing, cafeteria, and library, and updated servers and network infrastructure.  To improve the curb appeal, outside walls on most buildings have been repainted (with the rest being completed this summer), all high school windows have been repaired and capped in aluminum, rebuilt front entrance overhang, remodeled library, and replacement of the gym entrance posts with PVC moldings.

As this is being written, we are finalizing plans for the next round of campus repairs and improvements to be completed by two Missions teams from Calvary Chapel in Quakertown, PA, who will be arriving on campus on June 4th.  Currently, the gym floor renovation project is in high gear, as the old surface is almost completely removed, and repairs continue.  Over the coming weeks, new lines and surface sealer will be applied, followed by the installation of new bleachers toward the end of the summer.  If you are considering a tax-deductible donation to this awesome project or would like to share the link with family and friends, go here to access the GoFundMe page or visit our website for updates.  Please be in prayer for this and the many other upcoming summer projects, as well as the Mission teams coming on campus this summer.

As we celebrate the Class of 2023 graduation this weekend, I leave them (and you) with this thought from Psalm 84:11 as a word of encouragement for the graduates as they endeavor to impact the world for Christ: “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor.  No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

May the Lord bless you with peace, rest, and abundant Grace this summer.  You will be missed here on campus, and we look forward to seeing you all again in August.  It is an honor to serve you, your students, and all of Warrior Nation!!  I will drop the occasional update in your inbox this summer regarding the goings-on around campus.  Please let me know how I can be praying for you and your family throughout the summer.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/19/23

May 19, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

In Ephesians, chapter 6, Paul talks about putting on the full armor of God, but why?  When I read it, I picture a warrior gearing up for battle as he assembles his protective gear in preparation for war.  Paul tells us in verse 11 that we do this to “take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  He points out that our struggle (fight) is not against flesh and blood but rather against authorities and powers of this dark world as well as spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (v. 12).  Our battle should not be against each other, even though we don’t always see everything eye to eye.  The armor of God is designed to protect us, but the most important part of it is the sword of the Spirit or God’s Word.  When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, he didn’t just cower to Satan’s schemes with the hopes that he would go away.  Instead, He went on the offensive against the enemy, speaking truth from God’s Word to overcome lies.  For too long, Christians have sat back in silence or fear, hoping God would rise up on their behalf.  But, my dear brothers and sisters, it is time for us, the followers of Christ, to gear up, take up the Word of God, and go on the offensive for Christ against the enemy of our souls.  As we do that, we need to be mindful to pick up those fellow soldiers beaten down by the enemy and carry them to a place of rest and healing.  We will see a true revival, and God moves if we “…pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18).

The transformation of the gym continues as repairs of damaged flooring and sanding of existing wood are being done.  I am super excited for you all to see the final product when they are finished.  If you are considering a tax-deductible donation to this awesome project or would like to share the link with family and friends, go here to access the GoFundMe page.  Please be in prayer for this and the many other upcoming summer projects, as well as the mission teams coming on campus this summer.

Please be in prayer for focus and strength for our teachers and students as final exams begin in the coming days.  Only one week remains until the year ends and summer officially begins!!  I am praying for safety and rest for you and your family in the coming weeks as you enjoy a well-deserved time of refreshing and fellowship this summer.  Thank you all for your support and partnership in this ministry!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 5/12/23

May 12, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

One of the most impactful gifts a student ever gave me was a Jesus Calling daily devotional calendar.  Although human hands wrote it, the regular “spot-on” application is divinely inspired.  As I write this letter, I am reading the last half of the devotion for today: “Most of the situations that entangle your mind are not today’s concerns; you have borrowed them from tomorrow.  In this case, I lift the problem out of today and deposit it in the future, where it is veiled from your eyes.  In its place I give you My Peace, which flows freely from My Presence.”  Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”  God’s hands are more than big enough to carry your burden today, friend.  So, leave tomorrow to tomorrow and bask today in peace, love, and joy as you trust in Jesus and fellowship with him.

The gym renovation project is picking up steam!!!  We are now over $27,000 in donations, with $64,000 remaining.  If you are considering a tax-deductible donation to this awesome project or would like to share the link with family and friends, go here to access the GoFundMe page.  Please pray for this and the many other upcoming summer projects and the mission teams coming on campus this summer.

Be mindful of the newsletter updates from your division principals – they are full of dates, events, and information to help you and your student finish the school year.  Remember that this Saturday, 13 May, we will gather from 8:00 am to noon to disassemble the existing bleachers in the gym.  Email Mr. Zbyszinski for more information or to sign up at

Be at peace as you trust in the Creator of the universe for all things.  We are blessed to partner with you in Educating Hearts And Minds For Christ.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 5/5/23

May 05, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

One of the most refreshing aspects of Warrior Nation is the common bond as Christ’s followers.  We are unified in the opportunity to demonstrate to a lost, dark, and dying world the characteristics our Savior modeled for us in his brief time on Earth.  We list some of these traits among the fruits of the Spirit – Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Peter instructs us to “...put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander…Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of His return.”  (1 Peter 2:1,12) Where the world speaks harshly to each other, we can speak love.  Where the world accuses, we can affirm.  Where the world seems hopeless, we can share hope.  Even the faintest light can dispel darkness!!
Please remember to share the upcoming Open House scheduled for Thursday, 11 May, with friends and prospective families.  Feel free to stop by the RCS Facebook page and share the post for the Open House on your own social media pages.  This is the final Open House scheduled this spring; prospective families can call Mrs. Montague in the front office at 804-276-3193 to register.  If they can’t make the Open House, they can also call the front office to schedule a personal tour that fits their schedule.

The gym renovation project is picking up steam!!!  We are now over $26,000 in donations, with $65,000 remaining.  If you are considering a tax-deductible donation to this awesome project or would like to share the link with family and friends, go here to access the GoFundMe page.  Please be in prayer for this and the many other upcoming summer projects, as well as the mission teams coming on campus this summer.

Please remember to read upcoming correspondence from your division principals and teachers carefully.  With so much happening in the next three weeks, you don’t want to miss anything!!  Included among this is a call for help on Saturday, 13 May, to disassemble the existing bleachers in the gym.  Email Mr. Zbyszinski for more information or to sign up at

Have an amazing weekend; may the Lord grant you opportunities to be His hands and feet this coming week.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 4/28/23

April 28, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

If you are like me (at least at work), I like to plan.  Sometimes I can organize an event several months in advance, and other times I must turn a plan around in a short period, quickly.  One drawback to planning is that the more we plan and control, the easier it is to rely on ourselves rather than God.  The same is true with God’s peace.  While having a surplus of peace would be nice, it becomes too easy to be self-reliant in troubled times if we already have peace and a complete plan in place.  Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”  While we definitely need to plan, we will hit speed bumps along the way.  We know trials and struggles are part of life as a Christ-follower.  But rest in the promise that when things seem their worst, God is at His best!

The Iowa Assessment testing window is now closed.  Thank you for your diligence in getting your children to school on time.  Once we receive the results, we will share them with parents.  Depending on the format of the results, we will either send a link to parents with access to your child’s results or provide a hard copy to you.  Usually, results are returned 4-6 weeks after testing is completed.

This Monday, 1 May, will be our monthly First Monday Prayer and Praise gathering for ALL students and teachers.  As an extension of this, we want to continue to provide opportunities for families to join the school in prayer.  So, Wednesday, 3 May, we will hold our First Wednesday Prayer Time for families to partner with us in prayer. In addition, we will have the Café space in the gym open from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and the Chapel available from 8:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for anyone interested in stopping by and joining us for a time of individual or small group prayer.

Please remember to share the Open House event scheduled for Thursday, 11 May, with friends and prospective families. Also, feel free to stop by the RCS Facebook page and share the post for the Open House on your social media pages.  This will be the final Open House scheduled this spring; prospective families can call Mrs. Montague in the front office at 804-276-3193 to register.

The annual RCS Warrior Classic Golf Outing was last Friday, and we had fantastic weather.  Thank you to all the sponsors and golfers, as we raised over $5,000 for RCS.  Please support our sponsors as an expression of appreciation from RCS.  Here is a link to our web page to see the sponsors.

As always, we love and appreciate you and your partnership with us!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 4/21/23

April 21, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

It looks like the cold weather is behind us, and Spring has decided to hang around.  Seeing what pops up in the flower beds around my house is always a wonderful surprise.  Even though my wife and I didn’t plant any of them, the warm weather brings them up from the ground, and we have the blessing of seeing the beauty of God’s creation and the newness of life each Spring.  So it is with our life as a Follower of Christ.  In Romans 6:4, Paul writes, “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”   I love how God so intricately weaves the model of Christ into every aspect of creation.  His death, burial, and resurrection can be paralleled to our sin, repentance, and forgiveness; the new life that springs up every spring; even the challenges we have faced through COVID – and the victory God has for us on the other side.

Please remember that Iowa testing begins on Monday, with tests given each morning on Monday through Thursday.  Since classes will test in different subject areas each day, having your student here for all four days is critical.  Testing will begin for all grades K through 10 promptly at 8:00 a.m. and conclude each day at 10:00 a.m.  Students will then have an adjusted schedule for the remainder of the day.  11th and 12th-grade students are to report to school at 10:00 am on the testing days.  If your child is sick, please keep them home that day, and we will work to make up the missed sections.

Also, as we quickly approach the “home stretch” for the 2022-2023 school year, the calendar is filled with activities, both in school and after hours.  Please be mindful of the communications sent by teachers and administrators over the next few weeks.  I know sometimes it seems your inbox will be flooded with messages, but please take the time to read them and be informed so nothing gets missed.

For the final installment of “Why RCS?”, I leave you with these amazing facts:

  • Extracurricular opportunities for student leadership through student government, student leadership conference, and annual attendance at the Passion Conference (seniors)
  • Continual upgrades to campus facilities, including roofs, windows, security, technology, HVAC systems, painting, etc.
  • Intentionally affordable to allow families who want a Christian education for their children to have that opportunity
  • Family Atmosphere w/campus wide family activities throughout the year
  • Mission of supporting families in their biblical responsibility to nurture and train their children.

As always, we love and appreciate you all and your partnership with us!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 4/14/23

April 14, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

In Psalm 31:14, David writes “But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” In the verses prior to this bold declaration of faith, he notes a number of ways he has been challenged when his enemies have plotted against him.  Yet, in the midst of difficulties, David keeps “the main thing the main thing”, and states his reliance on God.  In the times we are in and the challenges we face, we must, more than ever, proclaim this statement of faith.  We may have to speak it a hundred times in a day, but we must hold to the promises God has given in His Word.  As a Christian school community that is already a target through spiritual warfare, we must also lean into God as we love and support each other.  I think of an image of a rookery of emperor penguins in Antarctica from the Planet Earth video series – as the elements around them are severe enough to kill them individually, they turn in, press close together, and huddle until the storm passes.  For us, with Christ at the center of that huddle, we are guaranteed to pass through victorious!

Just a reminder that our week of Iowa Assessments (formerly Terra Nova testing) will be coming up in two weeks, from 24 -27 April.  It is critically important for all students to be present for every day of testing since each day and time slot is a different test that is given in a timed manner.  Testing will begin for all students in grades K through 10 promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will conclude each day at 10:00 a.m.  Students will then have an adjusted schedule for the remainder of the day.  We ask that students be dropped off by 7:50 each morning so they have time to get to their testing room to start on time.  Once the tests begin, students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the testing room until that particular test module is complete. They will have to use time on Friday to make up what they miss.  11th and 12th-grade students are to report to school at 10:00 am on the testing days.


Share your heart and home this summer! Host a student from Spain or France (They speak English) (ages 13-17) in your home for 3-4 weeks. Learn about their culture while he or she learns about living in an American family and just being a part of what they regularly do. We have a variety of programs to suit your family’s work or non-working schedule. Families receive stipends to help out with expenses. We can help work out transportation or vacation concerns. This will be a treasured memory for your family! Contact Debbie Hardy at 909-3190 or

Thank you so much to those who have expressed many thoughtful and encouraging words in the past couple of weeks.  Your partnership and support are incredibly precious to us, and it is an honor to serve you and your students!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/31/23

March 31, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

And just like that, 25% of 2023 is over.  Hard to believe we have already come to the end of March.  It has been interesting in many ways, including the statistic that in VA, March was colder on average than February this year.  But that is Virginia weather, for sure.  Despite the changes and uncertainties of the times, we can count on the fact that, as Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  While our hearts break and mourn with our Christian brothers and sisters in Nashville, we know that, especially in times like this, God is still in control, and the Holy Spirit still brings strength and comfort in our distress.  Lean on Him for strength in the struggles and celebration in the victories.

Thank you to the parents and grandparents who contributed to this week's amazing book fair.  It was great to partner with I55 and provide tables full of family-friendly books for students in all grades.  Thank you to our librarians and parent volunteers who made this event so awesome!

It was also a pleasure to see many parents, teachers, and board members join us on campus this week for our times of corporate prayer in the Chapel.  An email was sent with the major prayer points listed, and I ask that you take a moment in your prayer time this week to lift those needs before the Lord.  We cannot do this ministry without God; there would be no reason to be here without you!  Thank you in advance for lifting our school community before the Lord.

In our next installment of “Why RCS?”, here are five more good reasons for your friends and family members to be a part of Warrior Nation:

  • Challenging academic curriculum that is Biblically integrated into all courses K-12
  • Academic rigor through AP classes and a partnership with Liberty University to provide students access to over 180 Dual Enrollment college-level courses
  • Community service graduation requirement for all students allows them to serve their community and represent Christ
  • Partnership with OptimumEd, a college and career planning service for students and parents that provides access to all aspects of the college planning and choice process
  • 33-acre campus in the heart of Chesterfield County with full athletic facilities on campus and sports options (boys and girls) in all three sports seasons

May the Lord bless you this coming week of vacation as you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is risen!! He is risen indeed!!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/24/23

March 24, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Proverbs 31:26 says, “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”  I am grateful to God to have a wife that this verse so aptly describes.  During our recent prayer time, Lynette felt the Lord impress on her heart that we, as a school family, needed to take time for corporate prayer.  With the many challenges that Christian Schools face, she felt the need for deliberate time to lift the school, community, and our needs together before the Lord.  So, from that prayer, we are making plans to provide that chance to parents and teachers starting next week.  I would humbly ask for you, if available, to join us on campus next Wednesday and Friday, 29 and 31 March, between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. as we open the Chapel for a time of individual and corporate prayer.  We will have a list of prayer points available as a starting point.  But feel free to pray alone or in groups for whatever God puts on your heart for Warrior Nation.  The Bible is filled with verses that speak of the power of prayer and the assurance God gives us by being obedient to His commands.  As we read in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  We look forward to partnering with you during this important time!

With only one week remaining before Easter Break, I want to encourage you to continue to impress upon your students the need to finish strong.  Only six weeks remain after the break and before exams, and the time will vanish quickly.  Before we know it, graduation day will be upon us (sorry senior parents, for the anxiety I might have just caused you).

As a follow-up to the prospective families attending Open House, I sent a list of “15 More Reasons to Love RCS.”  Here are the first 5 as reminders that you can share with friends and families who are looking for a safe, God-centered family to teach and love their kids:

  • 71 years of experience in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ
  • Regular Discipleship group student meetings to discuss student matters and make connections with staff members
  • Spiritual Emphasis Weeks each semester, which give students a chance to draw closer to God
  • Weekly Chapel services in elementary and secondary divisions (6-12th grades led by student praise band)
  • ALL Staff members have a personal salvation testimony with Christ

More to come in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!  Praying grace and peace for you and your family this weekend.  We are honored to partner with you in Educating Heart and Minds for Christ!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/17/23

March 17, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

The final installment of our WARRIOR series is about Responsibility.  The Bible talks about a hierarchy of responsibility as Christians – First to God, then to family, then to others.  In Colossians 3:23, it says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…” Everything we do should be done from a perspective of honoring God and done as an act of worship to Him.  In serving our family, we read in 1 Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  Providing for our family’s spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being allows us to demonstrate our love for our Savior by being His hands and feet.  The same is true for others, that we “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).  There is no greater witness for Christ than what we do to show others who He is.  As St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.”

This past week, all students in grades K-12 had the blessed opportunity to take part in our spring Spiritual Emphasis Week.  It was a week of hearing God’s Word, interacting with peers in small groups, and having fun and fellowship with students and staff.  This week impacted many students, including many who gave their hearts to Christ for the first time!!  God is moving, and we are excited about all He has for Warrior Nation in the coming days and weeks.

Open House yesterday was a big success, as 11 more families toured the school, met with teachers, and heard about the many great things RCS offers students and families.  Please continue to partner with us in prayer for the incoming families God has chosen to be a part of Warrior Nation.  If you know families that want to explore RCS or Christian education in general, encourage them to call and schedule a personal tour with me or plan to attend the April Open House on Thursday, 20 April, at 6:30 p.m.

Speaking of partnership, don’t forget to check out the updated completed project list found here on our website.  We are in the planning phase for other upcoming projects to continue the improvements.  Stay tuned to find out how you can get involved!

Calling all golfers!!!  The annual RCS Golf Tournament is coming soon, and we still have some space available.  If you are interested in playing and channeling your inner Happy Gilmore, please follow this link to register -  Registration is also available on the RCS app.

May the Lord bless you with his peace and joy this weekend!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/10/23

March 10, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

This week’s WARRIOR trait is a tough one to write about and especially to live out, as it contradicts our selfish nature to “do our own thing.”  That trait is Obedience.  When our first son was a toddler, he had a friend (my coworker’s son) who was on his porch one day playing with his toys.  When the boy’s mom came out and asked him what he was doing, he replied, “I have a plan, and you’re not in it!”  As a parent, you can imagine the flood of emotions and her desired response to such a seemingly indignant reply.  

Yet, even as adults, we often take the same approach to God.  We like to think we have a plan we have thought out and are convinced it is better than anything anyone else, including God, could have for our lives.  Romans 5:19 tells us, “For as by one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.”  The first man Paul speaks about is Adam, whose sin in the garden separated mankind from fellowship with God.  Jesus (the second man referenced in this passage) obeyed to leave his place in God’s throne room and submit to come to earth, live a sinless life as a man, and die a criminal’s death on the cross to take OUR place and our sin upon himself.  God has an amazing plan for you, your family, and all of Warrior Nation.  May we instead proclaim, “God has a plan, and I am definitely in it!”

Calling all golfers!!!  The annual RCS Golf Tournament is coming soon, and we still have space available. So, if you are interested in playing and channeling your inner Happy Gilmore, please follow this link to register -  Registration is also available on the RCS app.

This is just a reminder to check out the updated completed project list on our website.  We are in the planning phase for other upcoming projects to continue the improvements.  So stay tuned to find out how you can get involved!

Next Thursday, 16 March, is our third Spring Open House event.  As of this writing, we already have 11 families scheduled to attend.  If you know folks looking for a loving, Christ-centered school community, please have them call the front office at 804-276-3193 to register.

Then, next Friday, 17 March, March Madness comes to RCS!  Fathers and sons are invited to join Mentor Classic Ministries in the gym for an evening of college hoops, cornhole, and basketball contests.  We will have four games broadcast simultaneously and always have a great time of fellowship.  Please RSVP here, so we get enough pizza.

May the Lord bless you with his peace and joy this weekend!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 3/3/23

March 04, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

I’ve heard Integrity, our WARRIOR trait of the week, described as “who we are when nobody is watching.”  This trait runs contrary to everything for which the current world strives.  Social media (on all platforms) is now overrun with “influencers” who expect, even insist, on everyone looking at them and hearing their opinion as if obtaining a million likes or views makes them an expert. We see it in business, music lyrics, entertainment, etc.  The Bible, however, is abundant with God’s perspective on the value of integrity.  Proverbs speaks about the contrast between a life of integrity with one of deceit and “crooked ways”.   Our goal should be to live as Colossians 3:23 says; “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men”. We know that what we do matters when it is done for the Lord and His kingdom’s purpose and plan for our lives.  As we train our children to understand and walk in this perspective, to be the true “influencers” for Christ, we will see hearts changed, and our world transformed.

If you have not yet seen the added page on our website, check it out here.  Hats off to Mr. Zbyszinski and Mr. Spriggs for creating a great view of the “before and after” of a number of projects completed around campus.  We will be updating our ongoing project list in the near future with ways you can get involved to continue to make RCS an outstanding place for “Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ.”

Our next Open House is right around the corner.  Thursday, 16 March, we will again open our doors at 6:30 p.m. for prospective families to hear about all the great things God is doing at RCS.  Please like and share the post on our RCS Facebook page.  Also, let your friends and families know about this exciting opportunity to meet the teachers, tour the campus, and hear how they can become a part of Warrior Nation.

Coming in April will be our annual RCS Warrior Classic Golf Tournament.  If you would like to volunteer some time to help with the organization and planning for the event, please reach out to Leigh Ann Kiebler as soon as you can at  She will fill you in on her needs for planning the event.  If you’d like to play in the tournament, registration is open on our website and on the RCS app.

Thank you all for your prayers and commitment to the mission and vision of RCS.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 2/10/23

February 10, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

We continue our series on the WARRIOR Way attributes with the first “R” – Respect.  The world sees respect in a way that is contrary to God’s Word.  The world says, ”respect me, and THEN I will respect you.”  Too often, their interpretation of respect concerns their idea that you must believe and accept what they say and believe without question.  Otherwise, you are disrespecting them.  The Bible gives a much different viewpoint of respect, found in Romans 12:10 – “Be devoted to one another in love.  Honor one another above yourselves.”  The focus here is on the well-being of others first rather than ourselves.  To devote yourself to something is to give all or a large part of one’s time or resources to someone or something else.  In God’s economy, our riches and peace come from what we give to others, not what we get from others.  When you think of the word respect today, ask God to give you opportunities to love others and show them honor.  This is respect from a Kingdom perspective, and it never returns void.

With a week before our next Open House, we already have 14 families registered to attend!!  Please be in prayer for this and future events, and also pray that God will continue to bring kingdom-minded families that love the Lord, serve others, and partner well with the mission of RCS.  Please feel free to pass on the date and time:  THURSDAY, 16 FEBRUARY AT 6:30 P.M.  Refreshments will be provided, as well as the opportunity to hear from some of our current families, take a tour of the campus, and meet with teachers and administrators to listen to what God is doing at RCS.  They can call the front office at 804-276-3193 to register.

Remember that Friday, 17 February, and Monday, 20 February, school will NOT be in session.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Re-enrollment continues to advance in preparation for the 2023-2024 school year.  If you have not yet completed your re-enrollment packet, please do so soon.  Just a reminder that on 1 March, the re-enrollment fee goes from $150 to $250.  Many applications are already in the pipeline, so please don’t lose your spot.  Remember, once a grade is full, families will be placed on a waiting list, and we prefer to have all of our amazing current families not be relegated to that list!

Coming up on 21 April will be our annual RCS Golf Tournament.  If you would like to volunteer some time to help with the organization and planning for the event, please reach out to LeighAnn Kiebler as soon as possible at  She will fill you in on her needs for planning the event.

Thank you all for your prayers and commitment to the mission and vision of RCS.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/27/23

January 27, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Over the next few weeks, I will highlight the attributes of the WARRIOR Way, an acronym we use for the character traits we seek to develop in our students.  This week, we look at Wisdom.  Although many scriptures speak on wisdom (including a whole book of wise sayings in the Old Testament), we will look at a verse from James 3:13 that says, “Who is wise and understanding among you?  Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”  The world sees success and accomplishment in the things we own, the job we hold, and the people we associate with.  To be affiliated with an “influencer” somehow, in their eyes, gives you an edge.  But the Bible says the opposite.  Our good deeds should be done from a perspective of humility, a modest view of one’s importance.  As Christians, we do what we do for God’s glory and His kingdom, not for ourselves or our recognition.  As a Christian school community, we Educate Hearts and Minds for Christ so that He gets the glory and His kingdom is advanced.  Knowing and living this effectively can only be done through Godly wisdom.

I am excited that our first Open House event of the spring happened this week.  We hosted 20 students from 16 families to hear about the great things God is doing here at RCS.  The remaining events will be on 16 February, 16 March, 20 April, and 11 May, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the library.  If you have friends, family, or co-workers desiring a loving Christian learning environment for their students, have them reach out to our front office and schedule a tour, set up a shadow day, or sign up to join us at a future Open House.  Please pray in the days ahead as we continue through the re-enrollment/new enrollment season.

Regarding re-enrollment, please remember that the first deadline to mark on your calendars is 6 February.  That is the critical date to lock in your seat for the 2023-2024 school year.  New enrollment opens after that date; seats will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  So lock in your spot today!

Please remember that keeping your students home if they are sick is important with the cold and flu season in full swing.  Just reach out to their teacher(s) to get work if necessary, so they can recover quickly and keep others from getting sick.  Also, if they have a fever, they must be fever free without medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Thank you all for your support and partnership in Christian education here at RCS!  We love and appreciate you all.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School


Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/13/23

January 13, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

As we move through the middle of January (already!!), we are preparing to begin the re-enrollment season for the 2023-24 school year.  Be on the lookout for links to start this process in the next couple of weeks.  Remember to reenroll early because, after re-enrollment ends, open enrollment will be first-come, first-serve.  You can reach out to the business office if you have any questions.

Our first Open House in 2023 is Thursday, 26 January, at 7:00 p.m.  We will host prospective families and students to hear about the great things God is doing at RCS, get a tour of the campus, and meet the staff.  If you have friends, coworkers, or family seeking a Christ-centered education in a loving Christian environment, call the front office at 804-276-3193 to register for this event.  The remaining events will be on 16 February, 16 March, 20 April, and 11 May, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the library.

As you are aware, we are still in the midst of cold and flu season.  If your student is sick, including fever, please keep them home and reach out to teachers to get work sent home.  Remember, they must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school.

Don’t forget there will be no school this coming Monday, 16 January, as we take the day off in honor of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  So please join me in prayer this weekend as we lift up our city, our state, and our nation to seek God in the healing of our nation and reconciliation of our people.  Remember the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

May the Lord continue to bless you and the rest of the RCS family.  It is an honor to serve you in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School


Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 1/6/23

January 06, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Welcome to the new year and the second semester!  Today is National Take a Poet To Lunch Day – Your Head of School is a world-renowned poet; I guess this is news that you did not know it.  He loves a good sandwich with chips that will crunch, so stop by the school, and you can take him to lunch.  No, I am just kidding; I am more of a soup guy!

As we begin 2023, we often find ourselves amid the annual struggle with New Year’s resolutions.  We set goals (some realistic, some rather lofty) and then find ourselves feeling beat down or defeated if it does not come to pass.  God’s Word, however, gives us a steadfast promise as we walk our daily path.  1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling the Lord’s work, knowing that our labor in the lord is not in vain.”  Since we have the promise of God that He will sustain us in all we do for Him, we can be assured that the outcome of that work will always bring fruit to the kingdom.  So, resolve to press into God today, seek His will for your life, and you will never be disappointed in the outcome!

With January comes the first of a series of Open House events for prospective families for next school year.   Thursday, 26 January, will be the first of five open house events where we will invite prospective families and students to come, hear about the great things God is doing at RCS, get a tour of the campus, and meet the staff.  If you know of friends, coworkers, or family seeking a Christ-centered education in a loving Christian environment, have them call the front office at 804-276-3193 to register for this event.  The remaining events will be on 16 February, 16 March, 20 April, and 11 May, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the library.

I also want to inform you about some staffing changes for this semester.  Mr. Cox, an Elementary and Middle School Technology teacher, is returning to full-time pastoral ministry and has resigned from his teaching position.  Mr. Russ Spriggs, our IT director, will take his computer classes, and Mrs. Amanda Shaw will take over his Health class.  Both are experienced teachers with RCS, and we are blessed to have them fill these roles.  Also, Mrs. Hamilton, our Music and Drama teacher, will leave next week as their family has moved out of the area.  Mr. Forrest Beverly, who did his student teaching under Mrs. Hamilton, will take over her classes for the remainder of the year.  Mr. Beverly has a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Liberty University and has been actively subbing for RCS for the past two years.  Please keep these individuals in your prayers during this transition time.

May the Lord continue to bless you and the RCS family.  It is an honor to serve you in Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School


Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 12/16/22

December 16, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

What is so miraculous about the birth of Christ?  As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior in just over a week, I want to reflect on the significance of God's Son coming to Earth – Immanuel, or "God with us." When we look at the prophetic words spoken about Jesus in the Old Testament, we know that the birth and life of Christ fulfilled over 300 prophesies.  The Mathematician Peter Stoner concluded that the chances of one man, throughout history, even fulfilling 48 of these prophesies himself, was one in 10, followed by 157 zeros!!  His conception through the Holy Spirit qualifies Him to be fully God; his birth as a human baby through Mary qualifies him to be fully man.  He sits in heaven at God's right hand yet lives among, in, and through us as believers.  He died on the cross to take the weight of our conviction upon himself so we didn't have to.  Through his resurrection and ascension, we have the opportunity of eternal life with God.  The name "Jesus" (the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew Joshua) means the "salvation of Jehovah," which we have access to when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Please remember that we will resume classes on TUESDAY, 3 JANUARY 2023.  Other important dates to remember in January:

  • 16 January – NO SCHOOL – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • 26 January – Open House, starting at 6 pm

Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for instructions regarding the re-enrollment process.  We look forward to continuing our partnership with you and your student in "Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ."

Here is an easy way to support RCS by just "doing what you do." If you shop at Kroger (or know anyone else who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper's Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper's Card.  Thank you!

May the Lord bless you and your family with health, safety, and sweet fellowship as we usher in 2023!!  We love you and are grateful for you all.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 12/9/22

December 09, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

With only 15 shopping days until Christmas, it is a good time to take a look at the significance of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  In the book of Matthew, the genealogy of Jesus is laid out.  I won’t go into all the names but just focus on the numbers – 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 generations from David to the Babylonian exile, and 14 generations from the exile to Christ.  What is the significance of these numbers?  14 (2 times 7) represents a double portion of spiritual perfection (with 2 representing the incarnation).  So, three (the number of completion) sets of double portions of spiritual perfection indicate just how spiritually significant and perfect Christ and his birth are.  As you prepare for the holidays, don’t forget that the coming of God’s Son for the salvation of humanity was both perfect in timing and perfect in purpose.

This coming week is the last week of the first semester, so I want to remind you of important scheduling changes for both Elementary and Secondary students.  All students will have a normal Monday schedule and dismissal time.  Tuesday through Friday will all be half days, with Elementary dismissal at 11:40, Secondary at 11:55.  Secondary students will be taking exams on these days; please refer to the schedule sent to you in a previous communication.  Aftercare will close Tuesday through Thursday at 4:00 p.m.  On Friday, there will be no aftercare service.  Please make plans accordingly.

Here is an easy way to support RCS by just “doing what you do.”  If you shop at Kroger (or know anyone else who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!

Be blessed this weekend; I pray for rest and perfect peace for you and your family.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 12/2/22

December 02, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

The in-between times of Thanksgiving and Christmas can leave us feeling a bit overwhelmed and pulled in every direction so it is a great time to stop, breathe, and think about how thankful we are.  Here at RCS, we daily count the blessings God pours out on the staff, students, and families.  “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.” (Hebrews 13:15).  We are grateful for:

  • God’s provision in staffing, as He brought a blessing in the form of Mr. Weir, a Middle School English teacher, to replace Mrs. Williamson who had to move for family reasons.
  • The $475 was raised by the RCS Yard Sale to help buy food and other needs for the Good Samaritan Inn.
  • The 128 shoeboxes were collected by the Elementary students for Operation Christmas Child.
  • Over $3,700 raised from the RCS Auction to help pre-fund our financial assistance

I’d like to remind you of the protocol involving sickness for you and your student:

  • If your student develops a fever or complains of continual sore throat or headache, please keep them home.  They may return to school once they have been fever-free WITHOUT MEDICATION for 24 hours.  Although a sore throat could be due to a number of factors, consider testing for strep; follow your doctor’s recommendation for treatment and return to school.
  • If your student tests positive for COVID, keep them home for a minimum of 5 days from the onset of the first symptoms.  If they are symptom-free after 5 days, they may return to school, but we recommend they wear a mask for the next 5 days.
  • If your student has been exposed to COVID but is asymptomatic, they should wear a mask for 10 days and should get tested on Day 6 after first exposure.  If they develop symptoms at any time, they should isolate themselves and follow the steps listed above.

Here is an easy way to support RCS by just “doing what you do”.  If you shop at Kroger (or know anyone else who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!

Praying for peace and safety over you this week; we are thankful for each of you and your partnership with us.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Parent Letter - 11/4/22

November 04, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Welcome to November – only 51 shopping days until Christmas!  But, before we get the decorations out, let’s pause and take a moment to give thanks for all God is doing in Warrior Nation.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  The apostle Paul knew about the persecution and opposition the young church in Thessalonica would face.  But his words served as a reminder that no matter what is before us, it is all known to God, and we can be thankful that we have a God in heaven who has our lives in His hands.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the first annual Fall Fellowship from 9 am – 2 pm.  Please encourage your friends and neighbors to come and have a fun time with the RCS family!  There will be activities for the whole family, and you can help judge the apple pie and chili cookoff contest for only a couple of dollars.  In addition, there will be a fun run around the campus, bounce houses, bubble soccer, a bake sale, and a 16-team cornhole tournament to watch.  This will also be the official kickoff of the RCS Auction, where the bids for available items will be placed online until next weekend.  Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities this school year.

Next Tuesday, we will have our first Open House event of 2022-23, starting at 6:00 pm.  We still have open appointment slots.  So, if you have friends, family, or co-workers looking for a Christ-centered, loving school environment, have them reach out to the main office at 804-276-3193 to make an appointment.  They will meet the teachers, hear about the great things happening at RCS, and be given a campus tour by our student government members.

Here is an easy way to support RCS by just “doing what you do.”  If you shop at Kroger (or know anyone else who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Currently, there are about 40-50 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program, and RCS receives around $400 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people linked to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!

Praying for peace and safety over you this week, we are thankful for each of you.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 10/21/22

October 21, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

As cooler weather moves into the area and the leaves begin to change, I am reminded of the verses from the beginning of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, that starts with “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven;”.  It goes on to list 14 contrasts that seem to each be opposite ends of a spectrum.  In his Bible commentary, Matthew Henry writes that these contrasts of “several events of the time, and conditions of human life, are vastly different from one another, and yet occur [regardless], and we are continually passing and repassing between them.”  He further points out that in the end, it is all in the hands of our Creator. We, as believers, are to walk in them with complete trust in our Heavenly Father, that He will bring us through every circumstance in His time and strength as long as we lean on Him.  Whatever you are facing today, God already knows it and has it in the palm of his hand!

As this calendar year ends, you may be considering ways to give and take advantage of the tax benefits.  If you are interested in receiving a 65% state tax credit (that’s right, Credit!) for an end-of-year donation and simultaneously helping RCS, please consider the Children’s Tuition Fund.  Here’s the short version of the steps:  you contribute to the Children’s Tuition Fund, receive a 65% state tax credit for the contribution, and RCS receives a disbursement from the Children’s Tuition Fund for our qualified families.  Individuals and businesses can contribute to the program and receive tax credits.  Our Business Manager has personally contributed to this program and can answer any questions you have about it.  Feel free to contact him directly at his extension, 3034.

Here’s another way to help RCS; it only takes a few minutes of your time.  If you shop at Kroger (or know anyone else who shops there), all you have to do is link your Kroger Shopper’s Card to RCS.  Here is a link to do just that -  Currently, there are about 40-50 Shopper’s Cards linked to RCS through this program, and RCS receives around $400 per quarter.  Imagine if we had 100 or more people connected to RCS!  Please tell/encourage anyone you know who shops at Kroger to link RCS to their Shopper’s Card.  Thank you!

Don’t forget the first annual Fall Fellowship coming up on Saturday, 5 November, from 9 am – 2 pm.  There will be activities for the whole family and competitions to participate in, including a cornhole tournament, chili cook-off, and apple pie contest.  Invite your friends and family to this fantastic community event.  Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities this school year.

Blessings to you and your family for a fantastic weekend.  Thank you for your partnership.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 10/7/22

October 07, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

It is hard to believe that one week from today, the school year will be one-quarter of the way complete!! We have so much for which to praise God in His provision and goodness as we count the many blessings God has provided so far.  Coming out of COVID and last year's challenges, it would be easy to sit back as a school community, catch our breath, and relax.  However, I feel it is the time to rally together and march forward, taking back for God's kingdom the places Satan has tried to steal.  In Deuteronomy 30:16, the word says, "For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess." Simply put, love God, be obedient, and keep his Word, and He will provide the increase and blessing as we move forward with him.

Two significant events are coming in the next two weeks.  First, on Friday, 14 October, the 1st Quarter officially ends and is a half-day early release for students.  No lunch will be served, and Aftercare will close at 4:00 p.m.  Elementary dismissal will be at 11:40 am, and Secondary dismissal will be at 11:55 am on that day.  The next day, Saturday, will be the homecoming festivities, including the presentation of the homecoming court, the announcement of the homecoming king and queen, and a football game against Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot.  Homecoming court festivities begin at 3:00 pm, with kickoff scheduled for 4:00 pm.

Then in two weeks (21 October), the school will be closed for students to have our fall parent-teacher conferences.  Appointments will be scheduled with teachers between 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and can be made starting Monday, 10 October, by calling Rhodie Bond, Admin. Assistant, at 804-276-3193 Ext. 3047.

By now, you should have received information from Mrs. Patton regarding the Fall Fellowship events for which to sign up.  Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities this school year.

Enjoy this beautiful fall weekend, and thank you all for your prayers, support, and partnership.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 9/30/22

September 30, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

This week was extraordinary for the RCS family, as students in all grades took a short break from academics to focus on the Lord.  They spent time with God through worship, devotions, and the Word.  On Monday and Tuesday, elementary students heard the message “You can serve God and others with what you have,” delivered by Pastor Jeremy Haskett from Calvary Baptist Church in Colonial Heights.

Secondary students were blessed to hear from Pastor Trey Bradley, Student Pastor at Flint Groves Baptist Church in Gastonia, NC.  He focused on the theme “Where You Are,” and the students enjoyed powerful times of prayer and discussion with their small groups.  The highlight in the middle of the week was the gathering of students, parents, and staff at the annual See You At The Pole event.  It was a student-led praise and prayer time dedicated to praying for our school, city, and nation.  Psalm 95:2 says, “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.”  We rejoice today for all God is doing in the hearts and lives of the RCS family.

Don’t forget that two weeks from today marks the end of the 1st Quarter.  That Friday, 14 October, will be a half-day early release day for all students, and no lunch will be served that day.  The next day (Saturday) will be Homecoming Day festivities at the football game as we recognize this year’s Homecoming court and crown the 2022 Homecoming king and queen.  More details to come next week.

Don’t forget to plan to attend the Fall Fellowship event on Saturday, 5 November.  We have a full slate of family activities scheduled around the kickoff of the annual RCS Auction.  Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities this school year.

Stay dry and safe this weekend.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 9/23/22

September 23, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Psalm 16:8-9 says, "I have set the Lord before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure." This scripture reminds me of the saying that someone is my "right-hand man" - meaning the one I can go to, depend on, and trust in all situations. When God is at our right hand, we can wholeheartedly trust that whatever we face or any decision we make, we can count on God to give us support and counsel, and we can have a glad heart no matter the situation. Is God your right-hand Man today?

I want to remind you of a busy but powerful next week of events. On Monday and Tuesday, the elementary division will have their Fall Spiritual Emphasis Days, where they take time during the day to lean into and focus on God. They will have special music and special times hearing from God's Word. Then, Wednesday morning will kick off bright and early at 7:00 a.m. as we gather around the flagpole for our annual See You At The Pole prayer and praise event. This is a student-led time of prayer and worship for students, families, and staff. We gather together and lift our school, community, and nation to God. Immediately following is the SYATP breakfast, for which you should have received information and order form from Mr. Egland.

Wednesday through Friday will be filled with activities, prayer, and praise time for the secondary division for the Fall Spiritual Emphasis Days. Highlights include the Mega Relay, the annual student film festival, a staff praise band, and a powerful word from speaker Trey Bradley. Please keep these events in prayer for a mighty move from God in our student's hearts.

A shout-out and thank you to J.B. Mulch company for their recent donation of over 50 yards of playground mulch. Also, thank you to the parents and students who gave up some time on a couple of Saturdays to spread it. Finally, we appreciate our community partners' support of God's kingdom work at RCS and how our community comes together in "Educating Hearts and Minds for Christ."

Don't forget to plan to attend the Fall Fellowship event on Saturday, 5 November. We have a full slate of family activities scheduled around the kickoff of the annual RCS Auction. Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities for the 2022-23 school year.

Have a fantastic weekend!!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 9/16/22

September 16, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

As we wrap up week four, it is great to see everyone settling into the new school year so well.  Teachers and students are building rapport in the classroom, and parents also seem “in the zone,” judging by how smoothly the carline runs in the morning and afternoon.  Thank you, parents, for your trust and patience with our carline team as they direct traffic and help safely unload and load your students.

As we move into fall and allergy (and sickness) season, please remember that if your child is home sick, you should send info to to report the absence.  If a doctor's visit is necessary, please send your child a copy of the doctor’s note when they return to school.  This will help assure that our attendance office properly documents the absence.

Please continue to be in prayer for the following campus-wide events coming up.  On 28 September, we will gather for the annual See You At The Pole prayer event.  It is a student-led time of worship and prayer for our nation.  More information will be coming as we get closer to the event.  Also, the 26th and 27th of September will be the Fall Spiritual Emphasis Days for elementary students, and the 28th – 30th will be our Fall Spiritual Emphasis Days for secondary.  Last year, we saw a mighty move of God in our students on these days – please pray that He will continue to move in the hearts of our students in a powerful way.

Mark your calendars for another exciting event coming to RCS – The First Annual RCS Fall Fellowship on Saturday, 5 November, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Festivities include the RCS yard sale, a bake sale, live music, face painting, and several fun competitions – Family Fun Run, chili cook-off, apple pie contest, and a 16-team cornhole tournament!!  We will also have Brunswick Stew available on site for purchase.  You don’t want to miss being part of this new and exciting fellowship day.  Please invite your friends and neighbors!  More details on the competitions will be coming soon, so break out those secret family recipes and warm up your throwing arm – it will be a blast!  That afternoon, we will also kick off the annual RCS Online Auction, which will run until Friday, 11 November.  The rain date will be the following Saturday, 12 November.  Proceeds from the auction will go toward pre-funding student financial aid, while proceeds from the competitions will be used toward student activities for the 2022-23 school year.

Thank you all for your partnership and your prayers.  I bless you this week with 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” Have a great weekend!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 9/2/22

September 02, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

I am sure many of our students are looking forward to that extra day of rest on Monday after their first week of school.  I noticed some families had adjusted their morning arrival time, which has made the traffic flow even smoother.  Remember, if you arrive at 8:00 am or later, please come to the front office to sign in your student.

Also, if you know your student will be out of school for any reason, please let the front office know as soon as possible.  For example, if they are absent due to illness in the morning, please get in touch with Mrs. Montague in the office and let her know (by phone or email).  Also, if your student has a doctor’s appointment, please send a copy of the doctor’s note when they return so the absence can be charted appropriately.

This week, the focus in Secondary Chapel was “Pay It Forward.”  I challenged students to find or create opportunities to extend kindness to their classmates through scripture, an encouraging word or note, or other random acts of kindness.  For example, in John 13:34-35, Jesus reminds his disciples, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have a love for one another.” Please take time this weekend to chat with your student about creative ways to show kindness to others next week and beyond.

What is a Culture of Care?  It is a place where Christ is placed first above anything and everything else.  It includes administrators and teachers that truly model the character of Christ.  Parents, staff, and students use words that are encouraging, thoughtful, and God-oriented, whose actions are based on serving others, and whose thoughts are centered around what God wants, not what we want.  Our students strive for excellence in Christ, treating each other with love and respect.  Our parents commit to praying for and encouraging teachers and administrators.  As we wrap up Week 2, let’s remember these focal points and continually strive for excellence in these areas.  New families, as well as long-time families, look to RCS because we are different from other schools.  Let us continue to be the light to a lost and dying world.

Pray for peace, joy, and rest over you and your families this holiday weekend.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 8/26/22

August 26, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Congratulations on surviving Week 1!!  For the long-term planners, only 40 weeks to go until graduation - exactly nine months from today.  More to come on that event in a much later parent letter.

First, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to all new families joining Warrior Nation this year.  It has been a privilege getting to know you and your students, and we are blessed to have 72 new students here at school.  That number could grow in the coming weeks.  God always amazes me with the unity we find in a diverse community of gifts, talents, and personalities.  We will continue to lift you in prayer for a smooth and quick transition to RCS.

Thank you also to everyone who could join us for our annual Warrior Welcome event last Friday.  I enjoyed speaking with many of you and your students and loved the atmosphere of fellowship.  The presence of God was felt all over the campus.  A special shout out to all those who volunteered time to cover the many stations and events during the evening; we could not have done it without you!

You all are rock stars with the carline already!  We appreciate your patience and partnership as we get settled back into the morning and afternoon routine.  Please remember to keep your eyes on the person at the front of the carline (morning and afternoon) directing traffic.  They are the eyes of the whole system to keep everyone SAFE.

Please be in prayer over the upcoming campus events listed below.  Prayer events like these are critical for us to do battle in the heavenly realms and God moves mightily through these times.  I am reminded of the powerful promise from God found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people who are called by my name will humbles themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  Lean on Him in all situations; He will ALWAYS be faithful!

  • Monday, 29 August - First Monday campus-wide prayer
  • 28 September - See You At The Pole

Thank you again for your partnership with us in Educating Hearts and Minds For Christ.


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Parent Letter - 8/23/22

August 23, 2022
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

Welcome to the Opening Day edition of the weekly parent letter!

The book of Psalms begins with Psalm 1:1-6: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.  In all that he does, he prospers.  The wicked are not so but are like chaff that the wind drives away.  Therefore, the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.”  It begins with a promise of blessing but with conditions.  Blessing does not come to those who listen to the words of the wicked, congregate with sinners, or sit with those who like to stir up dissension.  Rather, our blessing comes through reading, meditating, and sharing God’s Word.

As we prepare for the much-anticipated return of our students, we know that the success of RCS this year hinges on our partnership with you, centered around the Word of God.  With that in mind, I would humbly ask the following of you throughout this year:

  • Pray for strength, health, and peace for our staff and students, who will spend many hours working hard this year.  Also, pray for a smooth transition for new families and students joining the RCS family this year.
  • Speak words of blessing over Warrior Nation.  When we speak scripture over a situation, the battle is fought in the spiritual realm.
  • Share testimonies of God’s goodness and share prayer requests for your needs.  Our staff love to pray with students and for students and their families; please give them the chance to be a blessing to you through prayer.

Remember, this is God’s school.  His will is going to be accomplished this year as we walk in obedience, fellowship, and His strength.  Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School


Posted in Weekly Newsletter

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