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Parent Letter - 3/28/24

March 28, 2024
By Bill Sharp

Dear Warrior Nation,

In a few short days, Christians worldwide will celebrate the “Superbowl of Christianity” – Resurrection Sunday.  Why is this day so important?  There is so much to the Passion Week events, but we can’t take any one of them, even Resurrection Sunday, as a stand-alone moment.  The entire week is necessary to provide the context and set the stage for this incredible miracle.  In fact, we need to truly go back to the beginning of Genesis to understand the full worth of Easter.  Back in Genesis Chapter 3, the encounter Adam and Eve had with Satan, the great serpent, and their disobedience put God’s plan, leading up to Resurrection Sunday, into motion.  After about three and a half years of ministry, Jesus returned to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration.  We read in John 12:12-13, “The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem.  They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the king of Israel.’”  They were ready to get out from under Roman oppression and crown him King.  But within a couple of days, the shouts of joy became shouts of condemnation as Jesus stood before Pilate.  The once joyful crowd became an angry mob shouting, “Crucify Him!”  With Jesus’ declaration on the cross that “it is finished,” the fate of Satan and his fallen angels was sealed, punctuated by His resurrection three days later.  There will come a day when he will return again to defeat evil forever – for now, let us rejoice as we declare, “He is risen!  He is risen indeed!!”

A huge shout-out goes to the Elementary division for their efforts in celebrating Grandparents’ Day and the Spring Book Fair.  We sold nearly $8,100 and were blessed to have over 150 grandparents on campus for this amazing day.  The elementary students did a great job in their performances, with the grand finale performance of Mrs. Cassidy’s 4th-grade class of “Arise My Love,” performed through the God Rods ministry.  Mrs. Waddill would like to thank all of you who made this book fair and our special celebration such a success!  RCS will receive approximately 20% of the book fair proceeds (after taxes, of course) to be used for improving our library resources.

There is a lot going on in the final seven weeks of school after the break.  So please pay close attention to the communication from the teachers and administrators about details of upcoming events.  Included in the list are IOWA Testing (22-26 April), Junior/Senior Banquet, Elementary Field Day (26 April), two more Open House events, Middle School King’s Dominion Trip, final exams, and Graduation on 24 May.  More details to come about these events as we get closer.

May the Lord bless you in His abundance this coming Resurrection Day and give you a restful Easter Break!

All 4 Him!

Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



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