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Weekly Parent Letter - 4/14/23

April 14, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

In Psalm 31:14, David writes “But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.” In the verses prior to this bold declaration of faith, he notes a number of ways he has been challenged when his enemies have plotted against him.  Yet, in the midst of difficulties, David keeps “the main thing the main thing”, and states his reliance on God.  In the times we are in and the challenges we face, we must, more than ever, proclaim this statement of faith.  We may have to speak it a hundred times in a day, but we must hold to the promises God has given in His Word.  As a Christian school community that is already a target through spiritual warfare, we must also lean into God as we love and support each other.  I think of an image of a rookery of emperor penguins in Antarctica from the Planet Earth video series – as the elements around them are severe enough to kill them individually, they turn in, press close together, and huddle until the storm passes.  For us, with Christ at the center of that huddle, we are guaranteed to pass through victorious!

Just a reminder that our week of Iowa Assessments (formerly Terra Nova testing) will be coming up in two weeks, from 24 -27 April.  It is critically important for all students to be present for every day of testing since each day and time slot is a different test that is given in a timed manner.  Testing will begin for all students in grades K through 10 promptly at 8:00 a.m. and will conclude each day at 10:00 a.m.  Students will then have an adjusted schedule for the remainder of the day.  We ask that students be dropped off by 7:50 each morning so they have time to get to their testing room to start on time.  Once the tests begin, students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the testing room until that particular test module is complete. They will have to use time on Friday to make up what they miss.  11th and 12th-grade students are to report to school at 10:00 am on the testing days.


Share your heart and home this summer! Host a student from Spain or France (They speak English) (ages 13-17) in your home for 3-4 weeks. Learn about their culture while he or she learns about living in an American family and just being a part of what they regularly do. We have a variety of programs to suit your family’s work or non-working schedule. Families receive stipends to help out with expenses. We can help work out transportation or vacation concerns. This will be a treasured memory for your family! Contact Debbie Hardy at 909-3190 or

Thank you so much to those who have expressed many thoughtful and encouraging words in the past couple of weeks.  Your partnership and support are incredibly precious to us, and it is an honor to serve you and your students!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



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