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Weekly Parent Letter - 4/21/23

April 21, 2023
By Bill Sharp

Dear Parents and Families of RCS,

It looks like the cold weather is behind us, and Spring has decided to hang around.  Seeing what pops up in the flower beds around my house is always a wonderful surprise.  Even though my wife and I didn’t plant any of them, the warm weather brings them up from the ground, and we have the blessing of seeing the beauty of God’s creation and the newness of life each Spring.  So it is with our life as a Follower of Christ.  In Romans 6:4, Paul writes, “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”   I love how God so intricately weaves the model of Christ into every aspect of creation.  His death, burial, and resurrection can be paralleled to our sin, repentance, and forgiveness; the new life that springs up every spring; even the challenges we have faced through COVID – and the victory God has for us on the other side.

Please remember that Iowa testing begins on Monday, with tests given each morning on Monday through Thursday.  Since classes will test in different subject areas each day, having your student here for all four days is critical.  Testing will begin for all grades K through 10 promptly at 8:00 a.m. and conclude each day at 10:00 a.m.  Students will then have an adjusted schedule for the remainder of the day.  11th and 12th-grade students are to report to school at 10:00 am on the testing days.  If your child is sick, please keep them home that day, and we will work to make up the missed sections.

Also, as we quickly approach the “home stretch” for the 2022-2023 school year, the calendar is filled with activities, both in school and after hours.  Please be mindful of the communications sent by teachers and administrators over the next few weeks.  I know sometimes it seems your inbox will be flooded with messages, but please take the time to read them and be informed so nothing gets missed.

For the final installment of “Why RCS?”, I leave you with these amazing facts:

  • Extracurricular opportunities for student leadership through student government, student leadership conference, and annual attendance at the Passion Conference (seniors)
  • Continual upgrades to campus facilities, including roofs, windows, security, technology, HVAC systems, painting, etc.
  • Intentionally affordable to allow families who want a Christian education for their children to have that opportunity
  • Family Atmosphere w/campus wide family activities throughout the year
  • Mission of supporting families in their biblical responsibility to nurture and train their children.

As always, we love and appreciate you all and your partnership with us!


Bill Sharp, M.Ed.
Head of School

Posted in Weekly Newsletter



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